AP Lit: rollerball pen?

<p>This is a really last minute question, but are we allowed to use rollerball pens on the AP English Lit free response? It wouldn't kill me not to use them, but I prefer them to ballpoint.</p>

<p>Haha, I'm pretty sure it's fine. Last year, on AP Lang, I switched between erasable ballpoint, normal ballpoint, and gel rollerball on just one of my essays (kept running out of ink), and I landed a five in the end. Just make sure you're not writing in some ridiculous(ly cool) color, such as orange. ;) Good luck!</p>

<p>Alright. thanks a lot. =) Sometimes they're so incredibly picky about things I just wanted to make sure.</p>

<p>Write in invisible ink and say "You can't read my essay without a UV light, but it's brilliant"</p>

<p>lol i wrote one of my mock essays in bright neon pink pen cuz i ran out of blue ink....got a 9 on it too, i was shocked.</p>

<p>the thing is your essay is scanned and then digital copies are given to readers. so some light shades of ink won't be picked up.</p>