AP Literature and Composition -

<p>Hello! I am taking this class next year and am wondering if there is anything I could do this summer to make the class easier for me? Any suggestions are open!</p>

<p>You can read a good novel in addition to your summer reading. My recommendations are Count of Monte
Cristo and Catch-22. Also, go over vocab and and literary terms then you should be fine to start off the year.</p>

<p>@jimmyboy23 Thank you! Will do.</p>

<p>Also, does anyone have a list of classic/contemporary novels that are MUST reads for the class (or at least strongly recommended)? Any help is appreciated!</p>

<p>Great Gatsby
To kill A Mockingbird
Animal Farm
Moby Dick
Scarlet Letter
Catcher in the Rye</p>

<p>@jimmyboy23 gracias!</p>