AP Physics 1 vs Regents Curriculum

If anyone is familiar with the New York State physics curriculum, how much more difficult is AP Physics 1 over Honors Regents Physics? I’m already taking 4 other APs Senior year, and have already taken AP Chem, but I still want to have a rigorous schedule to be competive for elite colleges. Not sure which to choose because I plan on majoring in economics/political science.

What other APs?
Roughly speaking, if you have well-chosen AP’s, 4 is plenty. Physics Honors would be fine regardless of universities targeted

The relative difficulty of the two classes can vary greatly based on the school and the teacher. I’d ask around in your HS.

In terms of overall schedule rigor, the top tier colleges want to see the guidance counselor check the box on the recommendation saying you have taken the most rigorous course-load available at your HS (which doesn’t mean taking every AP class – there is often some latitude in this). If the guidance counselor says that your prior and current HS schedules are sufficient to get that most rigorous box checked if you take Honors Regents Physics instead of AP Physics 1 then you should be fine.

The four other APs are AP US Politics and Government (with econ honors second semester, although I am self study fort he AP exams this year) , AP Calc AB, AP Spanish Language and AP Literature. I am also taking College Advanced Science Research (counts as a honors class).

Then Physics Honors would make this schedule a well-rounded znd very rigorous schedule.