AP Psych or Internship

<p>I have a choice: I can either take AP Psych or (if I am selected) be a physics intern at Northwestern (time issues). From a college perspective, which would be better? Is there more information you need to make that decision? Please focus your responses with Caltech, MIT, Stanford, Harvard (No particular order) in mind.</p>

<p>While there are of course many other factors I'm looking at, including which interests me more, the influence on other activities, etc, I also want to get an idea of the "college" answer.</p>

<p>Are you kidding? I'd go with the physics internship.</p>

<p>Why? I need details, please, so that I can adapt your reasoning to myself.</p>

<p>anyone can take an ap class, not everyone can be a physics intern.</p>

<p>Definitely the internship.</p>

<p>Internship for SURE.</p>

<p>Probably anyone can get into AP Psych. You don't have to have any particular skill for that class...it's not one of the "hard" AP's.</p>

<p>intern, no question</p>

<p>I know it's pointless for me to say this, but definitely take the internship.</p>

<p>I took an internship with NIH over AP Environmental, AP Statistics, Multivariable Calculus, and AP Euro History.</p>

<p>It would have been a mistake for me to not take this internship, because I'm currently doing important anti-HIV research with real scientists and not doing stupid things like washing beakers or doing chores around the lab.</p>

<p>Thank you for all the help. It is definitely helping me a lot.</p>

<p>Now, let me complicate things a little and beg you for some more help. In "A is for Admission" and "Acing the College Application", Hernandez reiterates 70% academics, 30% activities. She emphasizes taking the most difficult classes and as many of them. </p>

<p>If I drop AP Psych, my counselor says she will not be able to tick the box indicating the most rigorous courseload taken at my school. My courseload would consist of:
Gym: (Lifeguard training, professional lifesaver training, SCUBA certification) one semester, followed by regular gym the next
An honors independent study science research class, doing multiple competitions and projects
Multivariable calc/linear algebra
AP World history
AP English
AP Chemistry
Free block</p>

<p>Your opinions?</p>

<p>Thanks very much.</p>

<p>P.S. College_Here...why do you say it is useless for you to say what you said?</p>

<p>That is too bad your counselor is so rigid. AP Psych is definately not something competitive colleges look for. I don't see that the addition of this class should put you on or off the 'most competitive load' list. You list looks like it should be there as is. I don't think your GC knows much. 5 coursed with 3 AP's and a IS research is 'most competitive'. AP Psych is useless and it is a shame that you are being forced to take it and overload your courses because of that. I would not take it. Do the internship if you have time only. It is certainly valuable, but good grades in your current schedule should take precedence.</p>

<p>Usually there is a place on applications to make an extra note. I would say something about not getting the Most Competitive load check mark because of AP Psych, but you prefered to take other courses/indie study/internship that you were more interested in and felt were more rigourous. </p>

<p>You seem to be missing foreign language -- 4 years of that is certainly desired and expected by top colleges.</p>

<p>But please don't live your life by the A is for...book or by your GC box checking.</p>

<p>MVC/LA is honors too -- forgot that.</p>

<p>For the foreign language: I've done Spanish since 4th grade. When I moved to my new school district, I had one year before high school, and did well enough in Spanish that I was placed into the second-year curriculum. In junior year, I did Spanish 4 Honors, and stopped this year because I felt I had mastered enough of what I wanted to learn. I'm still on SNHS board, though, because I still love the language.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice re: the book, etc. Yeah, I've stopped caring in large part, else I'd be crashing the AP barrier or something...I prefer to do what I'm interested in (thus the ID, MVC/LA, lifeguard training/SCUBA, etc)</p>

<p>Finally, thanks for the advice on the note. I didn't think about that.</p>

<p>you would be stupid not to take the internship....thats something you can put on a resume....ap psych isnt even one of the more important ap classes.....</p>

<p>internship internship internship....1) you EARNED it. 2) anyone can be in an AP class 3) AP psychology is generally looked upon as the easiest AP class, with one of the easiest exams...it won't make much of a difference to your application if you took it while a physics internship would be quite impressive</p>