<p>Would it be safe for me to only use study guides (such as Barrons or Princeton Review) and still receive a 3-5 on the Ap exam?
If not, what textbooks should I use?</p>
<p>i have the same question as well ..</p>
<p>I'm solely using the Barron's AP Psychology to study it. Well, I'll probably also use this website: AP</a> Psychology Community</p>
<p>which barron's ap psychology book did you use?</p>
<p>or another?</p>
<p>I bought the second one. I don't think it matters tbh.</p>
<p>would any of you advise self-studying ap psychology?
if i start now, do you think i’ll have enough time to study in order to get a 5?</p>
<p>You’ll definitely have time to study it by the time AP exams roll by. It’s just a lot of memorizing who came up with which, and applying it in certain circumstances. </p>
<p>The PR book looked well organized.</p>
<p>Definitely. I started studying the day before the exam (I kid you not), and received a four.</p>
<p>BTW, I used the second book in that post up there. The review book is enough to do well on the test, so I wouldn’t advise anyone to buy a textbook unless you have extra money laying around somewhere.</p>
<p>How many hours to self-study ap psychology?
I read from apex website, they suggest at least 120 hours.</p>
<p>Will anyone share your self-study experience about ap psychology?</p>
<p>I self studied starting 3 days before the exam. I read Barrons twice and got an easy 5. I even finished the exam waay early. It’s an easy exam to self study, try it.</p>
<p>sorry about posting non-psychology related stuff here, but i’m new to this whole forum thing and i just want to know how to start a thread
so if someone can tell me, it’d be really nice…
thanks =)</p>
<p>Those two books are the same. I literally checked both of them out and they are the same =) </p>
<p>This psych book is ESPECIALLY useful. I also have access to PR psych, and I hope it’ll do. </p>
<p>Still don’t know if i’ll self-study it or not. </p>
<p>My Self-Studying Experience</p>
<p>I’m considering doing the AP Psychology test this May. I’ll probably end up sticking with the Barron’s book. I’ll probably start teaching myself the material near the end of this month. I’ve never done it before. Any suggestions or tips?</p>
<p>hey guys i’m a sophomore, can i take the AP psych test? i want to self study but i’m not sure if i can take the test given my grade level</p>
<p>^You most certainly can. Just pick up a copy of Barron’s AP Psych, read it a few times, and sign up for the test when the time comes.</p>
<p>do you need to have done any Psychology before?</p>
<p>my bad, im a freshman.</p>
<p>yea. im a freshman doing ap bio/psych/macro/microecon/env sci</p>
<p>wow…Ostonzi, are u self-studying for all of them?</p>