ap score report and placement exams

<p>My friend who'll be going to UCLA told me that he had to send in AP score reports by May 10 in order to bypass the placement exams for whatever class.</p>

<p>It didn't cross my mind until now, but does Berkeley have placement exams as well?
For example, do you have to take a placement test to get out of an intro English class?
I'm thinking no, because your AP scores determine where you'll get placement.
In addition, AP score reports are due by July 15, and they're (this year's scores + last year's scores) sent automatically once you fill out the college code on any of the AP exams going on throughout these two weeks right?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>dunno.. all i can think of is the 3,4,or 5 on the ap english exam to satisfy the analytical writing placement exam.</p>

<p>^^ That, or a 680+ on Writing.</p>