<p>Looking back, I can't believe I was part of this craze last year. Even though I'd be very happy to get all 5s, I just don't care anymore! So good to be free!</p>
<p>Congrats to all who are satisfied with their scores! To those who aren't: it's just an AP test.</p>
<p>I got that message, abund, and lo and behold, two of my grades were not available. Kind of disappointed me, since I had heard that late grades were already available, but I guess not all =/</p>
<p>Oh my god I'm so nervous. I'm just going to wait for them to mail them in. I always thought it was the third week in july, so it'd be nice if I get them in the first few days of july.</p>
<p>Although I think most people are crazy for calling for their scores, I wanted to know what classes to pre-register for. Wasn't really tempted at all last year.</p>
<p>National AP scholar! maximum credit for all of my tests!</p>
5 - Bio
4 - Eng Lit
5 - Euro
5 - Microecon
5 - Stats
5 - US Govn't</p>
5 - Calc AB
5 - USH</p>
<p>Extremely happy! 24 credits (on a 15 credits/semester system), more than a semester and a half! If I really wanted to, I could likely graduate in 3 years. At the very least it will likely be easy to pursue a double major.</p>
<p>Perhaps most surprised by my Micro result, our teacher didn't really teach us anything. Then, when I started reviewing, I found out that's 'cause there really isn't anything on it. Also surprised with Euro, as my USH teacher was far better, and I thought Euro couldn't compare, but it worked out fine. Very pleased with my English score, especially considering it gets me just as many credit hours as a 5 would.</p>