<p>did anyone who called get their late testing scores? i took ap chem late, does anyone know if the score is available already?</p>
<p>5 on AP Chem!</p>
<p>Eleven 5s, but one 4 on Calc BC.</p>
<p>When do we get scores in the mail? I don't really feel like calling in</p>
<p>5s on US history and English Lang. I am disappointed that you need 8 APs to qualify for the natl ap scholar award, since my school only offers 8 (one of which is Art AP which I am not taking). But I am still happy about my other scores. When do we get them in the mail???</p>
<p>Bio - 5
Chem - 5
US Gov - 5
Macroecon - 5</p>
<p>Eng Lit - 5
Macro Econ - 5
Micro Econ - 5
Chemistry - 5
Computer Science AB - 5</p>
<p>Macro - 5
Lit - 5
US Gov - 5
Comp Gov - 5
Calc AB - 5
Physics B - 5</p>
Eng Lang- 4
US Hist- 3</p>
Euro Hist- 1</p>
<p>So, I am definately happy with this year's results in comparison to last year's. I think that if I would have studied a little bit more I might have been able to pull off a 4 and a 5 instead of a 3 and a 4, or if I would have finished the English Language exam. (I am a horrible timed writer.) My teachers were a lot better this year than last year though.. In AP Euro we learned nothing! (I didn't even want to take the exam, but my mom made me and now I wish that that score wouldn't be sent with the rest.. Is there anyway for it to be withheld?)</p>
<p>Engl. lit- 5
Spanish lit- 4
Word- 4
U.S. Government and Politics- 5
Physics C mech- 5
Physics C E & M- 5
STat- not up yet</p>
<p>Eng lang--4
US hist--5 (no clue where that one came from)</p>
<p>Calc AB - 5 (highest math class at my school)
Chem - 5 (first chemistry class)
World History - 4 (studied nothing on the test, just not my day)</p>
<p>Anyone get their Comp Sci A scores yet??? mine arent available :(</p>
<p>but im sure i got a 5 on that, too</p>
APUSH-5 </p>
<p>Woot.. im happy lol</p>
<p>Chem - 4
English Lang - 5
US Hist - Unavailable, but I'll be highly surprised if it's not a 5.</p>
<p>APES- 5
I regret taking only one AP test as a sophomore.</p>
<p>an_enigma, it's okay! I only took one this year and I will still have 9 or 10 tests total by the end of senior year. You can make up for lost time. I just finished sophomore year too.</p>
<p>AP Bio-5!</p>
<p>Eng Lang -- 5
USH -- 5</p>
<p>pretty psyched right now...</p>
<p>chem: 4
ush: 5</p>
<p>do scores get mailed to ap teachers?</p>
<p>AP Calculus BC: 5</p>
I regret taking only one AP test as a sophomore.
Same here... I had so much time on my hands, I could have done Psych easily.</p>
<p>Calc AB: 5
US History: 5
English Lang: 5
Biology: 5
French Lang: 5</p>