<p>I'm currently a Freshman here at Stony Brook; when I submitted my AP Scores, only those from the 2011 testing year were sent by the College Board. In previous years, I had provided my SSN, and not realizing this I did not provide it on my 2011 exams. Thus, my scores from 2009/2010 were not synced up with my 2011 scores.</p>
<p>After searching through a lot of old school stuff, I managed to find my 2010 AP packet, along with my AP number, and called up the College Board's score reporting services. It listed my 2009/2010 scores, so I paid to have them sent to Stony Brook.</p>
<p>It's only been about a week or so, and I know these things aren't processed instantly, but are there any issues that could arise from this?</p>
<p>For example, I know Stony Brook accepts up to 30 credits by examination. All of my exams add up to more than 30 credits by Stony Brook's equivalents, but I'm not looking to receive credit from certain exams (ie. English Lit/Lang, as I already had Writing 101 waived by my SAT scores). Who can/should I contact regarding this?</p>