<p>If I forgot to put the AP tests that I PLAN to take on my application, would it seem like I'm slacking off for senior year even though I am taking 4 AP classes? By the way I'm applying to some schools such as Cornell, UPenn, JHU, Northwestern, U of Chicago, and a bunch of UCs.</p>
<p>Also I know that AP test SCOREs aren’t usually considered for admission but I’m talking about the actual tests.</p>
<p>Are you talking about AP tests that go along with the AP courses you’re taking, or things you’re taking without the class? If it’s the former, I’d assume adcoms would figure you’d take the exams from the fact that you’re taking the courses.</p>
<p>won’t colleges know what AP tests you plan to take just by looking at your schedule?</p>
<p>Well I do have my AP classes listed, but, a lot of seniors, or as far as I know, can slack off since they don’t plan to study for the AP tests corresponding their classes.</p>