AP Scores

<p>thank you very much mangoman23! And the video helped a lot :). have fun at miami!</p>

<p>Mangoman23- I’m going to be majoring in finance, so I’ll be in the school of business. And actually nope, I’ll be staying in Stanford…I just recently found out that Hecht is apparently the more fun one to be in lol so I’m hoping Stanford will be pretty fun too. Are you staying in Hecht? And what are you majoring in?</p>

<p>longhornsfan - No problem, anything else you need help with?</p>

<p>Floridax3- Man everyone i’ve talked to is Stanford, crap haha. Yes, I’m in Hecht (we’re going to beat you in Sports fest this year just sayin’). Right now, I’m a psychology major (doing pre-med yes of course) I wanted to do neuroscience but my ACT didn’t meet the requirements so I hope I can switch at some point.</p>

<p>oh ya one more(for now at least lol). Are there specific requirements for the program you want to be in? I want to be in marine but I’m not sure what I need, all I know is that it’s the hardest one to get into(so I’ve heard)</p>

<p>As in the Honors Marine program?</p>

<p>no not the Honors. I know I won’t get into that. I was just wondering if their is a requirement to get into different departments, like on top of entrance requirements for UM</p>

<p>Hey Florida, I’m doing Finance too.</p>

<p>No, I don’t believe so. You can pick the RSMAS as the college/major you want to study and if you’re accepted you’re in! But don’t sweat it, even if you don’t get into the RSMAS straight as a freshman, you can always get yourself into it from another college. If I’m not mistaken. In shorter words, you can make it sooner or later :]</p>

<p>Here’s some info on the Marine Science Major</p>

<p>just keep in mind, I’m almost positive you’ll have no restrictions at least from what I’ve read</p>

<p>[Marine</a> & Atmospheric Science Program - Undergraduate](<a href=“http://www6.miami.edu/umbulletin/und/marine/index.htm]Marine”>http://www6.miami.edu/umbulletin/und/marine/index.htm)</p>

<p>Lame Finance kids, it’s all about them Science Majors :]</p>

<p>Joking of course!</p>

<p>Well, I guess I forgot to add this.</p>

<p>I’m getting a BSBA in Finance and Management Science.
And I got 5’s in Physics B and Psychology.</p>

<p>I like science. But I want to use it for profit instead of helping people. Thus Finance :)</p>

<p>Very impressive primetimekin, well respected.</p>

<p>Are you a '14 cane or another?</p>

<p>Yeah 2014. I don’t know if you’ve seen the facebook group. But the picture of the guy that had a _ shaved onto his head, that’s me.</p>

<p>Haha there’s multiple U groups, where you from?</p>

<p>If you see a brown guy, it’s likely me haha</p>

<p>I’m from Miami.</p>

<p>thank you for all the advice mangoman23:) you really helped, since you can tell I’m not a great researcher:P</p>

<p>mangoman23- nahh I’m pretty sure us Stanford kids are definitely gonna beat you guys :slight_smile: And thats cool you’re doing pre-med, I know my parents would have loved for me to become a doctor but I dont really like science. My brother is doing pre-med, so at least they have one child becoming a doctor lol. So have you done all your dorm shopping yet? I’m really behind in that :/</p>

<p>primetimekin- thats awesome that you are going for the BSBA, I’m only doing BBA. And I like the business mind you have…profit is def the way to go :)</p>

<p>Floridax3 has jokes :], I still have 1000s of hours in the library if that doctor plan is gonig to work. Is your brother at UM? And no i havent, I’m kind of in the dark in what to bring and what i need. :[ have you?</p>

<p>(PS HECHT owns)</p>

<p>longhornsfan- no problem, feel free to ask anything else!</p>

<p>Oh yeah. Can you guys explain the dorm rivalry? Since I’m not in a dorm I don’t really get it.</p>

<p>Go Mahoney???</p>

<p>Basically there are 2 sets of freshman dorms which I’m sure you know primetime, which are Hecht and Stanford. It’s just a friendly rivalry between the two at sportsfest (bunch of sports and each dorm is on teams) and they compete against one another. Other than that, it’s just normal my dorm is better than your dorm haha. If not, it’s just the stereotypes each dorms have.</p>

<p>btw, I dig the “[[_]]” cut haha!</p>

<p>Did you guys already get your AP results back for this past May? Primetimekin referenced a few scores in an earlier post, but I haven’t gotten mine so I was just wondering.</p>

<p>And make that 3 finance majors on this thread haha</p>