AP Scores

<p>Lol. No I asked my teachers for my AP scores, they have it.</p>

<p>mangoman23- lol thats def true, your gonna have a lot of studying to do! No actually my brother goes to FSU, but I’m praying he will get into the umiami medical school next year. And oh god, I haven’t done anyy of my dorm shopping! I am like stressing about it because the beginning of august I’m going out of the country and when I get back, like a day or two later, I have to leave for Miami. I know I have this month to do it, but everyday just seems busy with other stuff. Oh and you were saying you are not sure what to bring, well heres a link which tells what we should bring, hopefully it’s some help! [Things</a> to Bring | University of Miami](<a href=“http://www6.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/0,1770,42701-1;43821-3,00.html]Things”>http://www6.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/0,1770,42701-1;43821-3,00.html)</p>

<p>Floridax3- you sure UM med doesn’t discriminate against being a FSU grad? Just Kidding :). Where are you going out of country? Looks like we’re starting UM right, procrastinating our dorm shopping. The list helped a lot thank you</p>

<p>mangoman23- I hope not lol. I don’t think he really cares where he goes for med school, but it will be cool if we are both in Miami. I’m going to Italy! I’m so excited. Did you go anywhere this summer? And guess what? I actually did some dorm shopping today! haha finallyyy.</p>

<p>Floridax3- Well I think it’s good to just get into any med school since it’s so difficult :]. Lucky lucky! Italy must be fun. I had gone to Orlando (for National competition), and went to Cancun. Both were very fun. Where did you go shopping for all the dorm supplies? bed bath beyond? wal-mart? (to name a few).</p>

<p>Where in orlando did you go for your competition? And thats awesome, I have always wanted to go to Cancun. For dorm shopping, I actually went to target today, but I only picked up like two things cause I didn’t really like anything there and then later this week I am going to go to bed bath & beyond.</p>

<p>It was actually at Disney, so i was in Kissimme. I stayed in the Animal Kindgom Lodge. I was there for HOSA (idk if you’ve ever heard of it?). Cancun is amazing :]. Yeah, I’ve heard bed bath & beyond has a lot of good stuff for dorm shopping.</p>

<p>Ohh yeah I live pretty close to disney! And I don’t think I know what HOSA is…?</p>

<p>It’s a Health club basically. Bunch of different competitions students can take part in and what not, pretty fun actually! Were you part of any major clubs while in HS?</p>

<p>For those of you heading to BB&B, don’t forget your coupons, even expired ones. They take multiple coupons so bring as many as you can get your hands on.</p>

<p>Son will be a senior but here is something we got that may not be on the list and worked well for us:
Hanging garment bag with shelves. (It’s really a sweater organizer made out of fabric and cardboard for shelves (all covered). The dressers are small and the closets are huge so we used this item for all the shorts my son brought up.</p>

<p>The beds are fixed in place so do not buy the bed risers.</p>

<p>BB&B has a college checklilst you can ask for while there and it gives you ideas of what to bring. (Remember extension cords.)</p>

<p>crazed- Thanks for the info! My mom has plenty of coupons for there, so I will make use of them. The hanging garment bag with shelves sounds really useful…definitely something I might want to buy. And I didn’t know they had a college list, I will check that out!</p>

<p>mangoman23- Umm I was in a couple of clubs like multicultural, cooking, enviro, and a few more but the one I attended the most was probably spanish club (I was treasurer). I just didn’t care for attending clubs that much lol. And then I played tennis (not really competitive) and dance outside of school. How about you?</p>

<p>floridax3- That sounds fun, good at speaking Spanish? I was in NHS, SNHS, HOSA (lol), as for sports i was on the tennis team and did cc for one year.
I wonder if a cooking club was helpful? lol</p>

<p>Nahh I’m not really good at speaking spanish (even though I took four years of it lol), but the club was fun I guess. Oh yeah I was in NHS as well. Haha cooking club wasn’t that much help, but we always got the cutest shirts made! lol. So have you gotten in contact with your roommate yet?</p>

<p>Oh guys, you’re going to need to learn spanish ASAP. I think Spanish and Creole are more popular than english down here.</p>

<p>Floridax3- I wish our clubs would make cool shirts, most of ours planned it then failed lol. I actually have, I’ve known him for a couple of years so yea we text now and then. How about you?</p>

<p>primetimkin- Man, I invented Spanish. Just kidding, I’m sure I’m going to need to become better at it.</p>

<p>mangoman23- Thats cool that you are rooming with a friend. None of my friends are going to UM so I let UM choose for me lol. My roommate and I found each other on facebook after UM posted the assignment and she seems pretty cool so I’m happy lol.</p>

<p>Same for me, not a lot of people I know going to UM, just about a hand full actually lol. But that’s good, communication is key :]
Did you join your floor group that the RA made?
If i make sense lol</p>

<p>I’m in a lot of umiami groups, including the Stanford one, but I didn’t know the RAs were making separate floor groups lol. I’ll definitely have to find mine. So, what else is new?</p>

<p>I just spent a night at a UM dorm…buy mattresses. They suck there. Get your own</p>

<p>Yeah, I read that it’s good to get a mattress pad for your dorm haha.</p>

<p>What floor are you on Floridax3?
And I am off to Dallas (then dorm shopping :[ ) how about you?</p>