Will a 4-5 in AP Spanish meet the two semesters “Foreign Lang. or Culture (3-6)” requirement? I see that AP Spanish with 4 gets credit in SPN 601D, 610D and a 5 gets credit in SPN 601D, 610D, 611D, 318. Would SPN 601D and 610D sufficient for the two semester requirement?
Thank you very much!!
I believe the AP credits only allow you to pick one class to get credit from. So for example getting a 4 gets you credit on 601D and 610D but you must pick one class.
The requirement is to have 2 semesters of foreign language and culture, and both 601D and 610D fulfills the requirement so yes picking any of those two classes to receive credit from would give you credit.
Basically, your 4 on the AP exam is sufficient enough to finish the requirement.
Thank you very much @Shadowsych I thought AP Chem with 5 would cover two courses to meet Science Sequence Part I. Science Sequence Part I needs two courses from the same area.