***AP Spanish Language and Culture 2015-2016 thread***

@THEohiostate That is correct, however I assumed we only had to record our end of the conversation so I didn’t record their part but it seems that it’s fine.

Depends on how much Spanish you can speak/ understand. If you use process of elimination you will notice you can elimiate 2-3 answer choices on every question, because they dont make sense at all. The writing portion section is straight forward as well. The speaking portion can be a bit tricky, but as long as you speak within context for a substanial amount of time you will do fine.

Good luck, i hope you get that 4.

@fhgeogng Definitely goes into the upper 4/ lower 5 range. I think you will be fine and get a 5, the grading for this test is very generous. There are some samples on the collegeboard from previous years in which some don’t do a conclusion at all and still get a 5 on the speech. I generally find that as long as you speak for 2 minutes providing various differences and similarities between the cultures, you’re solid. Good luck.

@arteezy OHHHH OKAY I understand now. Thanks

The lightning one was definitely the most difficult for me! E-mail reply was easy. What did you guys think about the cultural comparison? I talked to a friend who also took the exam and she interpreted the question differently. I talked about festivals/ celebrations in US and Spain. What about you guys? (I know we are not allowed to discuss about the details, but can anyone tell me briefly how they approached the question? ) Hope I didn’t misunderstand the question…

I also talked about festivals/celebrations in the U.S. and Mexico

College Board just released the Free Response part of our exam. Hope everyone did well on it!

Now that the FRQ’s are out, could anyone help me with how I might score? I have no idea what the curve is like. I felt alright about the MC (except for one listening part :/), my email was pretty solid except I forgot to ask for more details, and my persuasive essay I thought was really good (talked about the graphs showing that kids are more likely to read on an electronic medium, and I rebutted potential concerns about the authors rights and offered an alternate solution). My conversation was okay, I filled up almost all of the time but accidentally answered positively to the question about working in the afternoons, and my presentational speaking was alright (talked about sports, festivals/celebrations, and art) but I didn’t have a conclusion because I ran out of time.

Any ideas on a score? I’m just hoping for passing…

I got a 5! 12 years of Spanish paying off!