***AP Spanish Language and Culture 2015-2016 thread***

I thought I should make a thread for the upcoming year for AP Spanish. Hopefully we will all do well and be able to help each other throughout the year

Taking this next year. Have a huge packet of summer work

Taking this next year, my summer work does not seem too bad, just demasiado vocab to memorize

I’m enrolled in the class. So far the class is basically a typical honors English class but in Spanish. The instructor is preparing us for the AP Exam so that’s good.

My son is considering taking AP Spanish in his senior year next year. Class sign-up is coming in a few weeks. He might have opted for Spanish IV, but the high school sometimes does not have enough kids to offer that class. He likes the idea of improving his Spanish skills. None of us speak Spanish at all except for whatever son learned in Spanish I through III, which were simple 'A’s for him. His real aim is to be a jazz studies instrumental major. He is number 1 in his class of 189 right now, and a crummy grade could risk that spot. He has the standard junior year full of APUSH, APChem, Honors English (part of a 4-year Humanities sequence leading to AP English Lit), Spanish III, Pre-Calc, and a music elective with summer homework in APChem and APUSH and honors English. He would like to have maybe 10 more hours per week free in his senior year than he has in the junior year. Senior classes probably are the AP English Lit, AP Calculus AB, Honors Physics, Government, Spanish(AP?), AP Macroeconomics. Is AP Spanish like another APUSH, or is it easier, or does it sound like his senior schedule could be lighter than his junior schedule. It needs to be lighter so he can practice his instrument more and make it out to auditions. The AP Spanish would be some sort of remote or on-line course, not at his school, but an option supported by his school. How is the summer workload for AP Spanish as well?

A lot of it depends upon the teacher as well as the student’s abilities, but IMO, AP Spanish is much easier.

Summer workload for any subject is set by the school. For AP Spanish, it usually focuses on following Spanish language newspapers and news programs, which is really what any student should be doing over the summer unless they have ready access to Spanish speakers. :slight_smile:

how are ppl studying for this exam?

What Study Guides do you guys recommend for AP Spanish? (Barrons, PR, ?)

So…what did everyone think about the test?

@magic125 MCs were pretty easy (except one or two audio sections). The letter/essay was kind of easy. I completely screwed up the dialogue portion and the cultural comparison was okay, not my best.
Hoping for a 4??

Isame @chemfire085 literally the same. except the MC wasn’t like too easy it was medium. the letter/essay was good for me and I messed up the conversation but the cultural comparison was okay same.

The questions for the reading section were a bit tricky. The listening section was a breeze. I didn’t have any problems with the letter or the essay. Kind of worried about the conversation and presentation. Filling the time slots was no problem, but I was nervous so I stuttered a lot and probably made lots of silly grammatical errors. Oh well. I feel I gave a pretty solid performance on the other parts, so I’m a feeling a 5 on this one.

I thought that the multiple choice was super easy, but I thought that the listening section was pretty hard. Especially the lightning one lol i had no idea what was going on. I thought the email and essay were good, and I think my presentational speaking was good but I forgot to say a conclusion sentence. The conversation though lol I have no idea what I said, but I did fill up the time

I paused on the conversation part everytime it beeped, so i only recorded my voice and cut out the voice of the lady speaking. Will that deduct points? :frowning:

@arteezy Same here! I thought I was the only one who did that.

You and I should be okay. I told my proctor and she said it’s fine. As long as your voice didn’t get cut off, they don’t care.

To begin with, I honestly found that the reading comprehension mc was the hardest for me. I encountered some unknown vocab words throughout some of the passages as well as the responses which gave me trouble. I barely finished the mc as I just guessed on the remaining ones I had left out as time expired. As for the reading and audio, I felt that was a bit easier. Now for my writings, I believe I did everything I was supposed to do, but in a sloppy manner. Finally, the speaking section was the part I nailed. We had already done very similar oral tasks in class, in which I basically replicated on today’s test. In my opinion, I feel that I got a 4 due to some of the mc along with my poor yet managed writings. From what it seems, a lot of people seemed to have done really strong on one part and eh so-so on another. Finally, I would like to ask if anyone knows if this test receives a curve? Thanks and I’m sure we all did great. Btw Martin is hella cheap when it comes to shopping.

@am1920 Looking at previous years score distribution, you need an overall of 77-80% to score a 5 and 65%-68% to score a 4. If you aced part B (which is very leniently graded) you can get up to around 26 wrong in the MC and still get a 5 on the exam. Personally, I don’t think i got more than 5 wrong on the MC (native speaker), and i nailed the writing portion as well. However, I’m quite nervous about my recordings being jeopardized since a million things could go wrong ranging from the CD braking to them not scoring it properly due to an awkward 5 second pause at the start of the conversation section. Hopefully everything goes right though. I’m sure you did great :slight_smile:

@mg29409 Well that’s certainly good to hear! :wink: ^:)^

Do you have to finish the cultural comparison (intro, body, conclusion) to earn a 4? Because I got through the intro and similarities but not the rest. I thought the rest of the test went well. Is it possible to get a 4 overall for the test assuming MC I miss about 15 and the frq section i get 4’s and 5’s except for the cultural comparison?

I thought they talk for like 10 seconds, beep, they shut up, and you respond to what they said for 20 seconds?
Thus, why would they be talking over you?

Anyway, is the test as a whole any hard? I’m taking it two weeks out because I had an APCS exam today.

I also am in desperate need of a 4 on this exam so that I don’t have to take ANY language in college