<p>I'm currently taking AP Spanish and I'm not a native speaker. I'm doing fairly well in my class, but I really need to build my vocabulary. There's little to no emphasis on vocabulary in my class because it's made up of mostly native speakers that need to learn grammar. So, does anyone know of any good books or online resources that can help me out? Suggestions of good techniques for memorizing vocabulary would be helpful too, if you know of any. Thanks!</p>
<p>Well when I took AP Spanish my teacher made us memorize the vocab list in the back of the prep book by Diaz. We had a quiz eveyrday to aid in memorization.</p>
<p>Just read read read, and look up all vocab. words you don’t know.</p>
<p>anyone have a list of good vocab words that are general and you can use it in orals and writings? for example lograr, alcanzar, desarollar (more synonyms for querer) higher level words?</p>
<p>I don’t have a list, but what I do to come up with good words to learn is attempt to translate random sentences that I hear, say, or read throughout the day to spanish and then write down any words I can’t translate efficiently so I can look up their translations and make a list of those.</p>
<p>^Yeah if you watch Spanish television shows, it helps a lot to build vocab</p>
<p>like i want a list to use during my speakings >< and writing know any good transitions? i know if you said something b4 for oral presentation you can say “como dije anteriormente”</p>