AP Statistics credit in Engineering?


My son will be attending TAMU and majoring in engineering (likely Mechanical).

He is currently taking AP statistics in high school. I see from A&M’s site that he can get credit for STAT 301, 302, or 303. My question is: do any of these courses count for any sort of elective for engineering?

I see from https://engineering.tamu.edu/media/130444/mechanical_engineering_stem___technical_electives.pdf that STAT 211 would be considered, but not the 301-303. Can a substitution be made here?

Can anyone help me out. Many thanks.

Or alternatively, can I easily find out over the phone?

I as well took AP statistics high school, and unfortunately no, it does not count for any sort of elective for engineering

@KievanRus Thank you very much. Did you try to see if it could substitute for anything or are the electives that rigid? I guess at the very least it counts for a class that could get you sophomore standing soone.

This webpage best explains it: http://ceprofs.tamu.edu/llowery/advising/AcceptAP/Index.htm

@KievanRus Thank you. Very helpful.

Same for my son. The only advantage it provided was accepting the 3 credit hours and getting bumped up to an earlier registration time for the following semesters. It just depends on where your son falls on the credit hour scale. It helped my son being a day earlier than many of his friends.