AP Testing results in being Rescinded

<p>Hey, I have a question. I have already applied back in november. This year for the AP tests, Biology and Music Theory are on the same days. Will I be rescinded for not taking the Music Theory AP test (I have passed the 4 AP tests I have taken in the 3 previous years and plan to pass the other 2 AP tests I’m taking this year)? I’ll be honest, the AP Music Theory class at my school is pretty BS and probably only 2 of the students will even pass (they have an outisde background in music). Will it hurt me to not take Music Theory (I know they allow late testing but I’m not gonna pass anyways so should I even bother?)</p>

<li>u can talk to ur school AP coordinator about making changes on the test date, i.e. taking music theory a few days after bio. (edit,oops i just saw ur last line)</li>
<li>i dont think so. they don't really consider APs in admissions i heard. they use it for placements i guess..</li>

<p>Whether or not you take the AP test will not cause you to be rescinded. How you do on the AP tests will not cause you to be rescinded. The only impact it will have is on the amount of college credit you get for your AP tests. Don't worry about it. The important thing to do at this point is to do well in the CLASSES and keep your GPA up.</p>

<p>If you listed an AP class and dropped out of the class, that might be an issue. However, they don't care if you actually take the AP test, only that your senior year class load was appropriately heavy.</p>

<p>In our HS, the only consequence for not taking the AP exam is that the student will not get the weighted GPA for the class. The only requirement is to take (meaning paying for) the test, not a specific score on the test.</p>

<p>So I guess for some students in the Val/Sal hunt, it might make a difference. For most, it won't.</p>

<p>I concur with tocollege and rider730 above.</p>

<p>No college cares about senior-year AP tests, NONE. If you don't take an AP test, you won't receive any college credit. Just that simple.</p>

Like FindAPlace has mentioned please make sure that by not competing the AP exams you will still receive AP course notation on your final transcripts. Some high schools will report a non-AP course on transcripts if the student does not take the AP exam. This will cause a difference between courses reported on the application and what arrives on the final transcript which could cause an issue.</p>

<p>If I said on my App, I was going to take an AP test, do I have to write a letter saying that I'm not going to take that AP TEST even though I said I was going to?</p>

<p>No, no, no, a thousand times no. :)</p>

<p>Just make sure that the AP exam does not factor into your final grade.</p>

<p>All that matters is that you take the CLASS, not the TEST. As bluebayou points out, as long as you won't get a D or F in the class by skipping the test, it matters not to the UCs.</p>