AP World History Multiple Choice

This question is for those who took the AP World History Test last year.
I was just wondering what type of things that the multiple choice section asked.
How specific were the questions? Were there a lot of passage interpretations?
What should I study to do well on this part?
Any information about this section would be helpful.

When in doubt, the answer is C

I got a 4 last year.
The questions were general. They were similar to those on the Prep books.
However there were a lot of passage/picture analyzing questions. They will give a quote or a photo and ask you questions such as which civilization, what caused this, etc.
Study everything. Pay attention to the quotes and pictures in your textbook. I think I screwed up my multiple choice part last because I did not do so.

Were there a lot of map questions last year?
Also, how difficult was the test compared to the Barron’s practice test?