AP world history or AP human geo and AP chem?

So here’s the problem, I DONT like AP world (mostly because of the things I’ve heard about the class: teachers not very good, insanely large workload etc). So currently, my schedule for next year (sophomore year) goes:
Algebra 2/pre calculus
AP bio
AP world history
AP music theory
regular english
spanish 3
I am currently taking chem at a community college this summer which gives me the opportunity to take ap chem and ap bio next year. I’ve heard that AP bio and AP world are huge workloads but at the same time i really don’t want to forget what i learned in chem before i take AP chem junior year. So in order to make everything more convenient for me, ive decided on dropping AP world (large workload) for AP human geo (small workload) and AP chem (large workload). I am able to do this because ap music theory does not require a qualifier to take the class. The hardest part about this decision is whether or not colleges would look down upon this change because i know that AP world looks really good to colleges.

If i were to get a schedule change, my schedule would look like so:
Algebra 2/precalc
AP bio
AP chem
AP human geo
AP music theory
regular english
spanish 3

Thank you

I’d say that’s a lot of work - what’s your current GPA?

3.83 last year (B from honors English) and I have an A in chemistry this summer @NCalRent

i’d stick with your current schedule. The second AP science is a LOT more work.