Hey everyone! How are you all? Hope you’re all well! I noticed threads for this class from previous years but couldn’t find one for the upcoming school year, so I decided to create one! Good luck in the class this upcoming year! How is everyone’s summer assignment if you have one? Will you guys be using AP test prep books? I’m either going to pick Barron’s or Princeton Review, but I haven’t decided whether to pick one of them or do both.
Have a good day!
I took APWH last year as a sophomore and got a 3 on the exam because I slacked off and didn’t really pay attention on how to write for the writing portion. So I suggest paying attention to the teacher especially over the DBQs. Know how to analyze historical documents, maps, etc. dates are important!!! That’s literally what my teacher kept telling and yet I didn’t listen so advice to y’all
Thank you, @purpleturtle23! I will take the advice!
Have a good day!
I took the AP World test last year after self studying and recieved a five on the exam. I advise next year’s students to concentrate on trends over time and practice POV/ document grouping as the new AP History rubric tends to put more emphasis on that (lucky you no synthesis). I used REA Crash Course to prep for the exam (I highly recommend it as it is straight to the point). I also used Albert.io for practice questions (expensive but worth it). I encourage you not to slack off at the beginning of the year and to begin studying for the AP exam around spring break. Don’t focus on the small details, focus on the big picture. I wish you all the best and hope you guys all get fives!
@history1000 Thank you for your advice!
Have a good day!
I’m the crazy one studying for AP Euro and APWH because my school doesn’t offer them :(. I’m using the Princeton review for both, Ethel Wood’s coursebooks for both, crash course for WH, and Tom Richey for Euro. If anybody here wants to study later in the year, just shoot me a message 
@Eingram24 OOF. That sounds very tough! Either way, good luck! Self studying two AP histories must be very tough.
Have a good day!
hey this is late lol, but what did you get on ur exam? i just got my score back today and i got a 5!!
@helloCCpeople Lol, no worries on being late. I’ll send you a message to your DM to tell you my score, because I want to avoid it being public on our forum. I hope you don’t mind. My apologies. Congratulations on your 5! I got my exam score officially on July 8, but I saw it early on July 5.
Have a good day!