** AP EUROPEAN HISTORY: 2017-2018 **

Hey guys! I haven’t seen anyone create this thread, so I thought we could all struggle together until May. If any past students have gotten a 4 or a 5, can you add some recommendations on how to prep? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hey I’m in AP Euro now! High school sophomore!

@ManOfGod We are almost to the end! A month and a half until the AP exam!

@ab2002 Hey! Got a 5 last year. I would highly recommend buying Crash Course: AP European History review guide. It strikes the perfect balance between digestible information and barebones necessity.

I would also go over and familiarize yourself with the DBQ and LEQ rubrics. Here’s the trick: dont think of these essays like an actual essay… forget about literary flourish, or advanced writing, or whatever– this isnt AP English Language! Think of it as a checklist. There are 7 things you need to do to get the full 7 points, and in your essay, make sure to do ALL of them.

When I took the exam last year, I thought I bombed the MC. However, I strictly followed the essay rubric. I think that is what saved me.

I could not agree more with your statement about the essay- @hyperpi314 I have been enjoying the class and I feel like I’ve learned a lot. @ab2002 in what point of history are you? We are just starting WW2 so I’m a bit concerned.

@ManOfGod Our units may be out of order, but we spend 1-2 weeks on a unit. We are on the inter-war phase between WWI and WWII. You guys should be good!

Got a 5 last year! I read the entirety of the crash course book for prep and did some study groups, but I had a pretty good grip on it! We had to teach ourselves all of wwii at home bc we were in a time crunch but still did great!

@hayisforhorse @hyperpi314 Oh, I got Barron’s. Did any of your classmates use that? If so, did they get good results?

I think Barron’s has great practice questions but Crash Course is pithy and has main ideas only. Barron’s elaborates on the topics which is great but if you have to prepare for multiple exams, not conducive bc it requires more time to get through. If you struggle with grasping the concepts, go Barrons, if you just need a reminder, go Crash Course

@ab2002 I think the general consensus was that Barrons and PR were great for the practice tests; however, for content summary and review, Crash Course was definitely the most helpful.

Well, guys, it’s coming down to the line! We have 11 days left.