AP World History; tips and tricks?

Hi, I’m to take the AP world exam in May and wondering on its difficulty and any tips? thanks

I’m also taking the AP WH exam in May and my teacher has said one of the most vital things to do is study. Not all at once but every so often review everything you’ve learned throughout the year. He gives us tests very similar to the AP test and the questions aren’t that hard, just take your time and read the question carefully. There are Data Based Questions (usually) for the FRQ portion of the test. They’ll provide you with ten or so resources and you must respond to a prompt using evidence from the resources. Try to use as many as you can and make sure you site which article, poem, etc. you use.

I split up my review into two days with half of it being the first half of history, and the second half being up until now.
As you review, think of examples you can use in DBQ’s, CCOT, Comp/Contrast essays for each of the different civilizations.

The exam isn’t too bad! Really all you need to do is just read through a review book (I recommend Princeton Review) and make sure you remember how to do the essays. The multiple choice really isn’t that bad, and neither are the essays, depending on whether or not you know the topic that College Board gives you well enough.