Appeal chances- help!!

<p>I was unable to access my Cal Poly SLO portal by the 12 pm deadline on May 1st to express my intent to enroll, so I contacted admissions and they told me to write an appeal explaining my situation and that they will reconsider my admission. I explained in the appeal that I followed the directions on their webpage and the emails they sent me regarding enrollment. I also included that I called their service hotline, but since it was their off-hours they were unable to assit me. I emailed the admissions office before 12 pm to explain the problem I was having, and my intent to enroll. I also included copies of the emails I sent them and a copy of the page that would not let me manage my password and stated that it took me a long time to decide to attend Cal Poly because I was accepted to other good universities and had a difficult time deciding on which school to attend, but I am now sure that Cal Poly is best for me. Since I was already accepted to Cal Poly, what are my chances of the appeal not working?? Any thoughts/suggestions??</p>

<p>I’m sure you will have no problem if you explain your situation very well. Things can go weird during the college selection frenzy, and I’m sure the admissions office will understand that.</p>