
Hello, I was not admitted to Pomona through RD. Pomona was my dream and I wasn’t able to apply ED because QB/ and simply my mother did not allow me. Does anyone know if you can appeal your decision to Pomona? Please, if anyone has any info help me out.

Could not find anything through a Google search; before emailing them to ask, consider carefully if you actually have grounds for appeal.

"Only a couple of circumstances may warrant an appeal. Legitimate justifications for appeal include:

  • You have significant new information to present. Did you just win a major award or honor? Did you just get back test scores that are remarkably better than the ones you originally submitted? Realize that in these situations, many schools will still not allow an appeal -- they will ask you to apply again next year.
  • You’ve learned of a clerical or procedural error. Were your SAT scores reported incorrectly? Did your high school present inaccurate information on your transcript? Was your application incomplete for reasons outside of your control?"

“I really wanted to go there” is not grounds for appeal.

The chances for a successful appeal to a college like Pomona are probably zero. The top research universities and LAC’s pretty much have policies that exclude this.

The only successful appeal I have ever heard about to a top 10 college in the last 10 years involved the grandson of an alumnus who had contributed $50,000,000 to that school.

Personally, I thought that reversal was unethical. It was not Pomona, by the way.

yeah idrc care anymore i’m going to Brown