Appleton, Wisconsin

<p>I'm so glad a Lawrence thread has been opened! I've been wondering where it's been hiding!</p>

<p>I really love the sound of Lawrence and Appleton, but I'm not a fan of freezing weather.. I'm actually pretty terrible with it. Is it possible to cope? Will I get used to it? Do you need to go outside often to get from class to class?</p>


<p>Yes you have to go outside to get from class to class, and to eat.</p>

<p>I’m a parent, and you adapt to the weather. When it first hits 40 degrees, you think it is cold and bundle up. After a few weeks of under 10 degrees, when it gets to 20, it feels like a heatwave, and you don’t bother to zip up your coat for short trips.</p>

<p>That said, my wife can’t wait for when I retire and we can move south. I remind her that it is either cold winters, or hot summers.</p>

<p>D is a junior at LU and she doesn’t like cold at all. She’s not a fan of the winters in Appleton but copes with appropriate clothing and appreciates that you can get across campus in 10 mins max! </p>

<p>As OperaDad said, it’s all relative!</p>

<p>Cgayle, adjustment might depend on where you are from and what you are used to. If you are from a northern climate, Appleton is similar, maybe a few degrees colder. If you wear layers when it is biting cold, this helps. Mu daughter, from chicago, is adjusting.</p>

<p>On the other hand, the cold and the winter can be pretty and interesting. When we visited last w/e, we saw a ruddy faced student walk into Plantz with skates and a hockey stick. On other visits, I have seen giant snowflakes slowly falling and the College avenue holiday lights made a look of a wonderland. One time there was an ice storm and the shiny sheen of ice from everything encased in ice was extraordinary. But you DID have to watch your step!</p>

<p>Also, last visit, we saw the floating outstretched wings of an eagle searching for fish off the banks of the wintry Fox river. That sight took the cold away from me. It also helped that I was in the Student Memorial hall :)</p>

<p>All of the above are right. It gets cold in Appleton. (Not as cold, say, as northern-central Minnesota, but colder than, say, southern Michigan.) This year has been exceptionally cold–the coldest in over ten years. This year and last were very snowy. If you dress for the weather, given the campus size, you should be able to handle it. There will be days when you won’t relish going outside. This year, a couple of LU students from California made a point of walking a great distance down College Ave during the coldest day–“just to see what it was like.” (Great attitude.) Here is a cheerful approach to Appleton weather:[YouTube</a> - Appleton Wisconsin – Not As Cold As You Think!](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>daughter is enduring her second winter at Lawrence, but wouldn’t want to be anyplace else. She even gives tours to prospects in this weather. So bundle up- lots of layers, long coat, high boots, head down, and count the days til spring!</p>

<p>Son, raised on Greek island, just wears a jacket. Appleton is his Paris. No kidding.</p>

<p>I grew up in Hawaii and went to Lawrence. You can cope. Get the right clothes. Dressing appropriate to the weather helps a lot. The campus isn’t that big, so you don’t really have to go that far in cold weather. Take up winter sports. Broomball, cross country skiing, even curling. Winter activities can be extremely entertaining - you might find you like the winter!</p>

<p>FWIW, I currently live in Minnesota (colder yet), and no, I don’t ever see myself moving back to Hawaii on any kind of permanent basis (which doesn’t mean that it isn’t great to visit for a week or two in February or March).</p>

<p>Coming from a warm climate the word I use to describe Appleton winters is “exotic”</p>