Applicants for Scripps 2013

<p>So, I applied to Scripps regular decision, and I absolutely love it. It's the most gorgeous school in terms of both physical beauty and the inner characteristics of the women that populate it. It's such a lovely college!</p>

<p>Besides my Scripps love, I was wondering if there were any applicants on this forum. It'd be great to talk and count down to the day when we get our decisions. </p>

<p>Join me...I have cookies :)</p>

<p>Ha ha ha! Yeah I applied RD too!! I’m so nervous for decisions!! Have you had any contact with scripps? Do you know when our decisions are available?</p>

<p>Hi ladies, my D is a Scripps RD applicant too…sorry to crash the party but I brought Tea. She is nervous for her decision too which if it is like last year will come out around March 26. Best of luck to you guys…I’ll just set the Tea down with warm mugs and leave now. :)</p>

<p>I have my fingers crossed for you girls. I know the wait can be nervewracking. My D applied ED and her wait is fortunately over. She will be attending Scripps next fall. Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>norolimasfaloth, seriously, I have so much nervousness! What contact were we supposed to have? I just got an e-mail saying they received my app.</p>

<p>historymom, well, I suppose tea suits Scripps better. I wish I visited when they had tea; I think it’s so cute that they do that! </p>

<p>lion0709, thanks for the well wishes! Hopefully, I’ll be able to meet your D :)</p>

<p>Aaand, other applicants, I urge you to post. Let’s get to know each other!</p>

<p>i also just got an e-mail saying that they recieved my application. lots of my other schools have me accounts to check the status of my application, but Scripps and Wellesley did not. I applied ED2, so i’ll find out a bit sooner (feb 15).</p>

<p>I was looking at the Facebook group, and EDIIers started getting their acceptances. Did you hear, steinygrrl?</p>

<p>yes i did…I GOT IN! :slight_smile: yay</p>

<p>Congrats Steinygrrl, Scripps seems like a great school, especially with the other schools adding a little diversity. I am sure you will enjoy the Southern California sunshine next year.</p>

<p>Oh Steinygirl I am so happy for you!</p>

<p>Hmmmm don’t think D has found the facebook group yet.</p>

<p>Lion: Congrats to your D too. Isn’t it great to see thier dreams come true. Hope etched, norolismasfoolish and my D join your D and steinygirl in the class of 13!</p>

<p>thank you i am very excited! i hope your D gets in too!</p>

<p>thank you…me too, can you tell ;)</p>

<p>good luck historymoms D!</p>

<p>P.S. I’m stalking your CSUMB posts for my son…</p>

<p>Hey Shrinkwrap! Stalk away and thanks for the good wishes. I sort of felt like I was stalking your posts last year :)</p>

<p>I’m so nervous!!! ED II acceptances have come in! :S Steinygirl, does scripps send acceptances by paper mail or online? What came in your package?
Have any of you had an interview? I had one with the intl director of admissions when she visited india and she was FABULOUS!
Congrats on all the admits!</p>

<p>I’m curious as to whether “norolimasfaloth” means something in Indian or is a combination of words, say in Sanskrit, that means something like “brains and grace”? Sorry, but I felt I had to ask?</p>

<p>It is definitely Elvish. “Noro lim, Asfaloth.” Noro lim means ride on, and Asfaloth is the name of a horse.

<p>Sorry, I realize that question was not directed at me, nor do I even belong in this thread. I lurk. My bad.</p>

<p>steinygrrl, congratulations! :)</p>

<p>norolimasfaloth, even though I haven’t received my decision yet, from reading the earlier decision posts on this forum I’ve gathered that they send them by mail. However, you can call to hear your decision. But I don’t know if it’s different with internationals for notification. </p>

<p>I had an on-campus interview, and it was pretty cool. Although, I wore black knee-length slacks (I had to take advantage of being in California!), and I found out later that I had greenish paint on by butt :confused: Hopefully, that wasn’t seen as something bad.</p>

<p>Eternal Icicle, there is no shame in lurking! I do it a lot myself…but, as a Scripps student, is there any insight you can add to this admission crunch anxiety aaarrrgh-ness or anything else about the college? Also, if there are ANY other applicant lurkers, please post!</p>

<p>Nope, you’re on your own for the aaaaarrrrrrrrgh-ness. :P</p>

<p>Pinkfeather: Eternal Icicle is RIGHT! Lol, I’m a HUGE lord of the rings fan, so hence my screenname… :slight_smile: but just for general knowledge :P,in india we don’t have a particular language, but over 100 regional languages (confusing, I know) however most educated people know hindi in addition to English and a regional language. For instance, I’m from south india so I know English, hindi and Tamil, the language which is spoken in my state, tamil nadu. I was only exposed to sanskrit in school for a year as a mandatory requiement and not many people learn it unless they are going to study the ancient texts or religion; because all of the chants in the hindu culture are in sanskrit. My friends and I actually joke that sanskrit is just hindi with an “um” after every word! LOL!
Aah I’m rambling! Sorry if this was all unnecessary and silly info :P</p>

<p>Etched: thanks for the info! Crud, I’m gonna have to wait for a good week then to receive my decision when its released! Since I got on a plane, flew to bangalore, had my interview and then flew back home, I just went for my interview in a pair of jeans, a bon jovi shirt and a denim jacket with converse :S but patricia (goldsmith, the intl director of admissions) didn’t seem to mind. If you like California weather, you should come to my hometown!! Its tropical and right next to the beach!!! :P</p>