Applicants who went to the same highschool but have different grading scale on their school report

How do college admission officers react to discrepancies between grading scale of two students from the same highschool if the students submitted different school report by different counselors?..thank you for your time

How can that be?

The school profile generally shows the grading scale.

Is this real or hypothetical? A school profile is typically a single document created by the school/school district. It’s not a counselor- or student-generated document.

It is real. It is an international school. The school doesn’t usually have students applying abroad so one student manuiplated the grading scale to make his grade flourish and it was submitted for him through counselor account t on common app while the other student had the school’s orginal grading scale reported to colleges by his counselor. This two kids are now applying to the same school. Will colleges notice that?

Yes. They will notice.

So colleges actually take a look at the school profile with a great care, huh? Is there a chance they might not notice that this two kids went to the same school? Since the school is far far away over seas

No chance they will not notice.

I think we had a high school that may have had two profiles. The school had an IB program that was a ‘school within a school’ and if you were in the IB program you had ALL your classes in the program. Even electives were in the IB program or in the standard program and there wasn’t crossover.

It would have made no sense to have one profile for two entirely different programs, even though the high school diplomas issued were the same. I don’t know if they ranked them all together but I doubt it. The program is changed now, but at the time my daughter applied to the IB program I asked what if she wanted to take an AP class or be in another general school class that wasn’t offered in IB and was told that would NOT be allowed.

Seeing the same high school and different grading scales doesn’t require “great care”. It should be pretty obvious. Especially when a international school probably has very few applicants and the same Admissions Officer.

Apparently, similar issues with grading scale exist even in some US high schools, as reported on this CC thread yesterday:

Posters reported there that a) teachers can be “persuaded” to map different students to different letter grades even though they’re in the same range according to the school’s grading scale; and b) some schools give their teachers the “discretion” when converting students’ “raw” grades to letter grades, not necessarily based on the school’s official grading scale.

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While I agree with the above comment about the many variations in grading across US schools, if I understand the OP’s question the issue actually being addressed is submission of a fraudulent school profile. Will an AO notice that a school has submitted different profiles for different students?

If a school GC is submitting fraudulent information and that is noticed, couldn’t that school get blacklisted all together?