Newbie here - our kid is racing to complete the application process by 15th. The school’s application deadline is simply 15th Jan - assume that its by midnight on 15th or do they expect it before 15th. (its not a great situation to be rushing till last minute - but I think it will come to that for him, especially because he added this school at last minute). Please clarify if our assumption that due date is indeed Jan 15th midnight or 11.59EST.
If the school accepts both, both are fine; no one gets penalized for using one or the other when both are accepted. However, many BS schools do not accept SAO, some do not accept Gateway, and yet others don’t accept either but have their own online submission systems.
We ended up sticking with all SAO schools. When we looked into a couple options that were not on SAO, it seemed like a ton of incremental work (and, we didn’t want to go back to the recommenders asking for another form). I realized there seems to be a regional bias to which schools use the different systems.
The downside to using SAO is that you don’t get to say WHY you think you’re a good fit for a particular school, because the essays aren’t broken out by school (unless there is a supplement and this gets addressed there). But if you’re applying to more than a few schools it really streamlines the process.
About the school specific application process (Exeter - they have separate application submission outside of Gateway) - how serious are they about the deadline for recommendation letters. Since separate letters need to be submitted for this - we are worried if teachers will be able to submit in time (though we are now confident to complete rest of application process by the deadline). Do they penalize the applicant if recommendations come a little late?
@soxdad andswer to your Q based on my experience is no. Most of them are relatively flexible on the timing of recommendation letters. That being said, it is your responsibility to keep track of them and get them in ASAP. Technically, without RLs your application is incomplete and may not be read until it is.
I am told that in days of old, before the magma cooled and dinosaurs ruled the earth, when applicants submitted paper applications that were unique to the school (and for college applicants, to the university) teachers would often write one recommendation, throw it on a photocopier, and write “As per attached” on the rec form. I have no doubt that some teachers do that to this day, and it’s fine.
Anyway, schools give a little leeway for items outside of the applicant’s control. If it’s really holding up the process, the AO has been known to call the school and get a verbal update.
Transcript is a key component of your application. Most likely they will hold off reading your application until they receive it. Some schools may send you a postcard telling you your application is incomplete.
We two schools contact us about missing pieces that were transcript type items we had requested from our current school at the time We immediately called and pleaded with said school and everything was done and it affected nothing. Maybe they are a little flexible when it is the third party .