<p>I sent in all my applications and then met with campus advisor who told me I should have written follow up letters to every school that I applied to. She also told me that I torpedoed my chances at Duke, UMICH and UPENN by leaving off the "optional" essay.
Comments ? I've already been accepted by two schools, one with a scholarship, although neither are in that tier.</p>
<p>The "Why Penn?" essay is kind of a big deal, as are the various Michigan optional essays. Probably not as much for Duke. If your numbers are good enough, though, it won't matter. Follow-up letters are a total waste of everybody's time.</p>
<p>Thanks,Americanski: 160 on first LSAT,167 on 2nd LSAT, 3.7 Gpa from Ivy League undergrad, pre-law program, 3 summer jobs in law firms (corporate, litigator, civil) - what do you think? I agree on the letters I think it's late to write them now but how did I not know about the Optionals? arg</p>
<p>bumpity bump bump</p>
<p>I <em>think</em> Penn might take the higher score, in which case you still don't have a good chance, but it wouldn't be impossible for you to get in, either. I think Michigan averages, in which case you probably don't have much of a chance at all. What probably would have been more helpful than the optional essay is an addendum giving some kind of compelling reason to disregard the first score.</p>
<p>Yes, I did that when I sent in the applications. Still no word from them.. but I'm in at Cardozo with a scholarship, American, and Brooklyn Law (yes, I'm from New York) so at least I'm going to law school! 8 more schools to go, but I think you're right</p>
<p>How long does it take? I am still waiting to hear from seven schools - what's the deal on Fordham? Anyone here get in yet? Share stats?</p>
<p>bumpity bump</p>