Application question

My D set up her Common App account and actually started applying to one school. She submitted it & I’m wondering …how will we know if the school received it? Do the indiv schools email you to let you know they got it & keep you up to date if they don’t receive something…like a recommendation letter , etc? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I can’t seem to find the info on Common Apps site…
Plus will you get a school portal to the indiv school or is everything done through common app? Confused… Didn’t want to ask on the general forum lol

The Common App will send you an email that confirms that your application has been sent to the school once you have submitted the application. The answers to your questions vary depending on the schools, as they all have different methods for their application processes; however, usually schools will send you an email with a link to your portal, where you can see the exact dates on which they received each part of your application. This email usually comes a few days after the application has been submitted. Also, it is common for a school to email you about any documents missing from your application file. Hope this helps!

Well, to be clear, they are going to email your kid. Mom & Dad are only in this process as much as the kid lets them be!

Same applies for the college’s portal. It will be in your kids name\email. There might be an occasional exception. But with about 25 applications between my 2 college bound kids I don’t think we saw any of the Common App or school portals without pestering our kids about it.

A lot of people set up a separate email account just for college apps and communication that both parents and students have access to. Just a suggestion.

I second what vvnstar suggested. We did that with S #1 and it worked like a charm>> first name.last name.grad

D still uses the one we created (1st initial, last name- though name is not common, so not taken by others) @gmail as her professional email. She changed password after college stuff was done.