<p>Ok, so I really want to get into Cornell RD. Judging from people who have gotten in the past from my school, I think I really have a good shot of getting in. However...</p>
<p>My first choice would be to get into the AEM program, and I think I'm doing alternate choice CAS. I feel that I definitely meet up with CAS, but am not so confident with AEM. Would choosing AEM as my first choice hinder my chances of getting into CAS/Cornell in general (assuming I dont get into AEM) Would I have a better chance if I just put CAS as my only choice? Or would they regard me equally (after being denied from AEM) if I apply to CAS as secondary choice as I would have if I applied to it as my primary choice? </p>
<p>I want to get into AEM, but the last thing I want to do is screw up my shot at getting into Cornell in general because I went for a more selective program.</p>
<p>i don’t understand why there are so many questions on the alternate/secondary schools part of the application. even if you do a basic search on this forum, you’ll find so many topics and the answer is ALWAYS the same.</p>
<p>barely anyone gets into their alternate choices. in fact, you only get referred to your alternative choice college if your first choice thinks that you’re a good fit for your alternate choice. i’m pretty sure the percentages for the amount of applications that actually get passed on is somewhere around ~1-2%. and of the applications that DO get forwarded, very few actually get in.</p>
<p>as far as i know, AEM and CAS are pretty much the same in terms of selectivity.</p>