Application status?

<p>Does anyone have any kind of Application Status or Decision row on their online app? Most of my college application websites have at least some kind of indicator that everything was received. It says on their website:</p>

Complete Ready for Review</p>

<p>We have received all required items and your application has been sent to the Admissions Committee for evaluation.


<p>However, mine doesn't say anything like that anywhere on the app. All my requirements at the bottom are received, and I mailed everything else, like recs and stuff.</p>

<p>Does anyone have a row with anything like that?</p>

<p>I also do not have anything telling me they have all my material or are reviewing. I called admissions to confirm they had everything.</p>

<p>I don’t have any row like that. I e-mailed admissions last night, and I got an e-mail saying that it shows up when decisions are released and not before like the status explanation area seemed to indicate.</p>

<p>I’m not sure how it is for american applicants but for me, an international student, there were four requirements listed in a table. They were English Proficiency, Application Fee, High School Transcript and SAT/ACT scores. The application is complete when all these have been received.</p>

<p>USA: My requirements were Application Fee, Official HS Transcript, ACT/SAT Test Scores & ACT/SAT Writing Score.</p>