Applications 2009

<p>From the e-mail that was sent out by Wellesley:</p>

<p>"The first 120 members of Wellesley's class of 2013 received their coveted early decision acceptance letters last month. The group represents approximately 20% of the expected total class enrollment. These new Wellesley women are an impressive and diverse group, representing nine countries and 22 states. Thirty-three percent are women of color, and 15 will be the first in their families to attend college. </p>

<p>The total number of applications is up over last year, with a total of 4,125 students seeking admission. Members of the Board of Admission are busy reading applications from students who have applied in the Early Evaluation and Regular Decision programs."</p>

<p>Congrats to the ED admits and good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>I hate to do the stats breakdown, but anyone know what percentage’ll get accepted? Numbers always psych me out…</p>

<p>wellesley accepts about 1500 students (from all rounds) with a goal of enrolling 590…</p>

<p>So, 36%. Hmm, not bad! Makes me feel a jillion times better after looking at the new Harvard numbers… :expressionless: FAIL.</p>

<p>Even though it’s about 36% overall, the acceptance rate for international applicants asking for financial aid is about 10% :(</p>


<p>I’m going to need massive amounts of fin aid, but thankfully I’m not an international. I hope you get in despite that! The application process is so stressful, argh.</p>

<p>too true.
what are we going to do when it’s all over and decided, though?
you know those fish from the bottom of the ocean that they pull to the top and they explode from lack of external pressure? yeah. i’ll be pretty much like that.</p>

<p>oh I agree… I am so afraid that Wellesley would be too hard for me…
I am from Canada so I haven’t taken any AP or IB…
hope my brain doesn’t explode :D</p>

<p>“you know those fish from the bottom of the ocean that they pull to the top and they explode from lack of external pressure? yeah. i’ll be pretty much like that.” </p>

<p>HAHAHAH nice AuroraInTheShade… that’s exactly how I feel!
So for all of you guys… will Wellesley be a “definitely attend” if you are accepted?</p>

<p>"Even though it’s about 36% overall, the acceptance rate for international applicants asking for financial aid is about 10% "</p>

<p><em>jaw drops</em></p>


<p>i would be a DEFINITELY ATTEND if accepted. which is why this anxiety will drive me mental.</p>

<p>don’t let the numbers get you, jiess. they never show the full picture.</p>

<p>I for one check my emails and appstatus like 15 times a day! as if I didn’t know that decisions come out a lot lot closer to April 1st. </p>


<p>I was pulling out my hair b/c it’s my number one choice and i dislike the other schools on my list. ( gc harassed me to apply to more) I hate that they don’t update app stats. I guess I have to wait until… March 26th.</p>

<p>Congrats! I had a friend that went to Wellesley and graduated in 2003; she loved it. Students have ice cream night every Friday.:)</p>

<p>PLEASE ACCEPT ME WELLESLEY!! asdfahhhhhhhhhhh…</p>

<p>I’m horrible at this waiting thing…</p>

<p>Oh, man, I hate waiting sooo much. I got a “likely” letter under EE, so part of me’s really happy about that, but then there’s the other bit of my brain that’s saying I’ll be in the 4% or whatever that get a likely but that don’t actually get in…</p>

<p>Haha, LW Trojan, ice cream! yummmyyy! :slight_smile: Good luck, all!</p>

<p>Be glad you got a likely and relax. I couldn’t apply to EE because of lazy teachers, and just missed the deadline. What really sucks is that i go to a gigantic high school, and I know like 8 or 9 people who a got a likely letter but don’t plan on going. Basically they are reducing my chances for the hell of it. :-(</p>

<p>Same here; two girls from my school got likely letters and neither are going. They both owned in the math/science areas (where I fall WAY short), which is probably why they had the edge. Even so, it depresses me, because I probably would genuinely have gone to Wells. Oh well. :&lt;/p>

<p>rebanne - ughh, that sucks about your EE classmates, so not cool. :frowning: </p>

<p>I’m counting myself incredibly lucky that I got a likely…my school very rarely sends students to top schools like Wellesley (one person got in last year, only ED), so I had no idea what my chances were, though to be fair no one else from my class applied, so that probably helped. I hope you get in, it sounds like you’d absolutely love to go!</p>