<p>OK, its that time of year again to start posting reports of RD/overall applications growth.</p>

<p>Here's last year's thread for reference:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Also, researchmaven has been maintaining the ED apps growth report stats on this thread:
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
lots of good reading on that thread.</p>

<p>1st out of the gate…</p>

<p>the UC system (no breakdown yet)… +5% apps growth</p>

<p>[More</a> students compete for fewer UC slots - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee](<a href=“]More”></p>



<p>it will be interesting to see if the trend alluded to in this article plays out across the country…
[Applications</a> soar at public colleges - The Boston Globe](<a href=“]Applications”></p>

<p>All I know is that at the same time last year, Tulane had received around 24K applicants in a record breaking year, this year they have already received around 32K applications, with more to follow.</p>

<p>I’d love to see this somehow linked with the targeted online marketing efforts of colleges. Many colleges this year emailed priority application offers (some more than 5 times) by the droves to students, waiving application fees, offering expedited decisions and so forth. This was a striking difference from two years ago, when we had a similar student applying.</p>

<p>for reference, below is a listing compiled at the end of Jan 2008, for the class of 2012, taken from the 2012 thread linked above (post 188)…note than these #'s represent year-over-year increases = %[[total apps 2012/total apps 2011] - 1].</p>



<p>lets see how the annual changes take shape this year…I suspect reports will probably start rolling out early next week.</p>

I think you have a typo in post #4- Tulane had over 34,000 (not 24,00) apps. last year (which was a 100% increase from the previous year… by far the biggest jump)</p>

<p>No, I meant at the same point that they received over 32K this year. Last year they had over 34,000 total apps yes, but I mean 24,000 at that certain point.</p>

<p>Ahh, thanks for clarifying. And wow. I wonder if they will cut off the applications like they did last year. And I am glad to see that Hurricane Gustav wasn’t too big of a deterrant this year.</p>

<p>Of course, what would also be interesting to note is average number of applications per student.</p>

<p>^agreed. Especially when you consider how many fees were waived for whatever reason. But you’d also have to see how many more applications the schools who did the waving received. ANd what will be most telling, of course, is how that increases or improves their yield, if it does at all.</p>

<p>Dartmouth was actually up 17% last year…the 11% number quoted in the Yale Daily News last year was incorrect…</p>


<p>ED apps up, RD apps down (so far)…hmmm, wonder if this is a trend?</p>

<p>[Fewer</a> apply to private colleges -](<a href=“]Fewer”></p>






<p>emory ed apps? anyone?</p>

<p>I have seen no Emory ED reports for this year. Based upon publishing dates of prior-year Emory admissions reports and the fact that Emory has an ED2, I think the earliest we’ll hear something official about ED numbers is February, probably coinciding with total apps reporting…& I’d bet they do not separately report ED1 and ED2…sorry!</p>

<p>MIT: preliminary ‘at least’ ~+12% growth in RD apps (by my calculation)</p>

<p>[540</a> Accepted Out of 5,019 Applicants in a Record-Setting Year - The Tech](<a href=“]540”></p>



<p>more on MIT…doing the math to tally Total Apps (EA + RD), I come up with a Total App increase of (at least) 15.6% over last year, thus far in the count.</p>

<p>The Brown web site states that “nearly 25,000 applications were received.” This would indicate approximately a 20% increase for Brown.</p>

<p>while we are waiting for US school reports to start coming in…</p>

<p>…appears that Canada is seeing the same public school application pickup, as one would expect. Ontario public colleges had a 10% increase in apps for their spring term:
[CNW</a> Group | COLLEGES ONTARIO | Colleges experience major jump in applications](<a href=“Cision | News Releases”>Cision | News Releases)</p>

<p>…running about +3% in apps</p>

<p>BUT, enrollment will be cut down 6% across the UC’s</p>

<p>[UC</a> to set limits on freshmen enrollment | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times](<a href=“Archive blogs”>Archive blogs)</p>

