Hey There
I am a 37yo professional in the Software Industry that has decided to get a degree. I’ve never done a day in university but I’ve had almost 20’years of work in Computer Science. My friends and family will likely think I’m crazy but I want a degree and I want to be able to teach. I know RUE is very competitive and it has a lot lot to do with financial aid. I am fortunate enough now in my life that I wouldn’t need financial aid or loans. Does this in any way help the decision process, since I would not be competing for aid/scholarships?
Have you considered the Eli Whitney program at Yale? I think you would be a strong candidate. Other Ivy non-traditional programs are Columbia GS and Penn LPS
Since the RUE program is very competitive, I can’t imagine the fact that “you don’t need financial aid” will do anything for you. It’s an ivy so they want uniquely qualified individuals who can communicate fresh perspectives and compete academically. I assume your intended major is computer science. If that is the case, I would not recommend Columbia GS or Penn LPS because those programs are not tailored to computer science in any way (at least I think) The Eli Whitney Program at Yale would be worth the application for you though.
Any one else looking at RUE? I’ve got 12 years military- 5 tours (2 combat)- Specialized in satellite voice/data communications in expeditionary setting. 3.7 GPA in Geophysics major with focus on building renewable energy infrastructure.
Thanks @herefortheb33r, I didn’t think it would help but from what I read the FA is very limited, so was unaware if it makes your chances any different.
Thanks @Heading2College … I am really interested in the Eli Whitney program, but not if having no college credits makes me a good candidate. I have 20 years of work, inventor, CTO… Not sure if any of that helps.
I went back and read the financial aid portion of the RUE site. Freshman(you) fall under the need-blind category, where as transfers(me) fall under need-aware category. Also, it looks like the Eli Whitney program doesn’t accept students without an academic foundation.
All this info was on their respective websites. If your serious about these programs, you should take a year of community college and knock out the ACT/SATs. This way you’ll have the academic reqs for Yale and the need-aware status for Brown which would be to your benefit.
@rudyrudy Don’t let anyone prevent you from applying to RUE because they don’t think your qualified, especially from individuals who are also pursuing the same academic program. The answer will always be an astounding ‘no’ if you never directly seek the information you desire from the source. Call admissions directly. In my opinion your perfectly qualified to apply to Brown’s RUE program. RUE was designed for industry professionals like your self! Your professional background will weigh heavily on your chances of admission.
I fully encourage you to apply to Columbia GS if your intended major is computer science. A buddy I served with in the military is pursuing a degree in computer science at Columbia GS as we speak.
I will warn you, Brown’s faculty has publicly stated that Military Veterans have a competitive advantage over all applicants at this time. Brown has been publicly encouraging military veterans to apply to RUE.
@herefortheb33r I also applied to Brown as a RUE applicant. My military career wasn’t as extensive as your’s, in the terms of years. Served a 4-year enlistment as a 0331 machine gunner in the Marines. During which I was deployed to the Philippines, Japan, and Afghanistan. My squad operated as a mobile security detail for our company commander, where we assisted in the demilitarization of Southern Helmand.
I hope to study in both computer science and economics. 3.9 GPA with 30+ credits completed at this point. Hoping to use my education at Brown to really grow me and my buddies veteran non-profit.
Good luck man!
Hey there,
Fellow rue applicant here. Has anyone else checked their portal and not see any changes since it was available. I called the admissions office today and they were kind of rude in helping me figure out if I was missing anything.
Brown emailed me saying they hadn’t received any LORs. I called them and they magically found one while I was on hold. I have a tracking number for the other showing it was delivered weeks ago so I’m curious what they’ll say about that tomorrow when I call back.
@PBtahgaz Semper Fidelis ! (Apologies if it is too much motivation 
I have also looked at the RUE program at Brown and am currently at a CC.
I was just wondering if there was any advice you can give in regards to the application process for the RUE program.
I am also a veteran (USMC), though experience wasn’t as combat/field oriented as yours was (I was a 4421).