Applied to UC's - please chance me!

I submitted my UC application this morning!!! I feel good about my essays but I just want to know already!!! Anyway, how do you guys think my chances are?

GPA 9-12: 4.40/3.81
GPA 10-12: 4.63/3.81
UC GPA (uncapped 9-11): 4.57
Capped: 4.05 - 4.1 ish (forgot exact)
Designated ELC (top 9%)
Most rigorous course load - 4 AP’s sophomore year, 7 junior year, 6 senior year
Current courses: AP Physics C, AP Macroeconomics, AP Statistics, AP Comp. Sci. - all A’s 5.0 GPA

ACT: 35C

SAT Math II: 770/800
SAT Chemistry: 720/800

AP Scores: Physics 2 (3) Biology (4) Chemistry (4) US History (4) World History (4) English Language (5) Psychology (5) Calculus AB (5) Calculus BC (5) AB Subscore (5)


  • Vocal musician of 12+ years, performed publicly
  • Co-editor of monthly cultural publication
  • Hospital volunteer (150+ hours)
  • Volunteer at local youth organization where I teach kids languages
  • Intern at biochemistry lab where I performed research on cancer receptor
  • Science Olympiad


  • National AP Scholar
  • National Merit Semifinalist
  • Music Award
  • Volunteer Award

I applied to all campuses except Merced, and my designated major at all was biochemistry. Thank you for the help!

@ucbalumnus I’ve seen that dataset many times. I wanted a more holistic chance based on everything, not just solely GPA. But thanks


honestly i think you have a good chance at all of them!

@liquidsugar thanks!! :slight_smile:


Honestly, why apply to all? Seems like a waste of money to me.

@VickiSoCal idk, just to have some safeties I guess. Why do you think it’s a waste? Thanks for the response :slight_smile:

Because realistically you will get into everything except for Berkeley and LA. And likely will get into at least one of those. Why not just apply at Berkeley, LA and then your first or maybe first and second choice out of the others?

@VickiSoCal My first-choice is probably UCSD at this point, though getting into Berkeley and/or LA would be amazing. Thank you for the wise words; hopefully things turn out well! :slight_smile:

It’s your parents 70 dollars a pop. I told my kid to pick 3.

@VickiSoCal Haha yeah…just wanted to be safe

Hey! Thank you for chancing me. I’d say the same thing. You have a better shot at UCB/UCLA than me though haha. Your GPA/Scores are great, ECs may be a bit weaker/generic but as long as you have great essays you should be good. Good luck!

@acpadt hey thanks for chancing back! fingers crossed for the both of us; hopefully we’ll both get in everywhere! good luck!!!

Dude, you’re stylin’! You have an amazing shot at all of these. You’ve got the GPA, certainly the ACT, even the extracurriculars and volunteering! The major, as it is competitive, will be a bit harder to get into, but honestly, I think you have a pretty great shot! Good luck!

@WJShipp omg hahah thanks!! i hope so! good luck to both of us!!!

bump anyone?