Chance me for UCs please? Thank you! :)

<p>Hey guys, I’d really appreciate it if you could chance me for UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, UC Los Angeles, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz and UC Santa Barbara. Thanks, will chance back!</p>


<p>SAT I (breakdown): 680 Math, 690 Critical Reading, 740 Writing (Essay: 11)
SAT II: Math Level 2 (750), Biology E/M (730)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.19
UC GPA: 3.45
Rank: probably top 30 percent
APs: US History (4), Biology (5), AP Economics (N/A), AP English Comp (N/A), AP Calculus A/B (N/A)
Senior Year Course Load: AP English, AP Economics, AP Calculus A/B, Spanish 4 Honors, Physics Honors, Art 2 (LOL)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Top Tutor at my school</p>


Track and Field during Junior Year.
Job/Work Experience: Private Tutor for SATs (LOL again), Developed primary website for a corporate business</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community service: Lead Tutor at high school’s tutoring center(over 950 hours), Active Member of Interact Club (about 15 hours)
Developed and maintaining a website for a registered company in my town. (intern)
Developed and programmed a software program for a registered company in my town. (intern)</p>

<p>Personal Statement Comments: I feel that I did extremely well. I wrote about the dedication I showed towards helping needy people at my school academically, and how i’ve moved about 25 times and lived in various places in the world/USA and how that type of diversity enriched my character and personality (shows how I can culturally contribute to the campus as an individual).</p>

Intended Major: Undeclared/Exploratory
State: CA
School Type: Highly competitive school… ranked in the top 8%</p>

<p>That GPA is not good, sir. It would be easier if you gave GPA’s for your separate years in high school. Also, is that corporate business anything special? If it is, elaborate.
I would say Berkeley is a no. UCLA and UCSD, you have chances. Those could be your reach schools. Nothing stands out besides your website/programming experience, but I don’t know much about that.
Irvine, Santa Cruz, and Santa Barbara are matches. I think you could do those but I’m not completely positive.
Consider Davis a safety, as far as I know.</p>

<p>Chance back?</p>

<p>10th UC GPA (1st and 2nd sem): 3.40
11th UC GPA (1st and 2nd sem): 3.50
Summer Course at Community College: 4.00
TOTAL GPA: UC 3.47 (sorry, i miscaluclated in my original post) :P</p>

<p>Yeah the company sells boxed software to consumers at places like Best Buy.
4 years x 52 weeks x 2 hours = 1664 hours.
8 hours x 12 weeks = 96 hours.
TOTAL internship hours = 1760 hours.</p>

<p>Hope this helps! Someone wanna chance me please? I’ll chance back. :)</p>

<p>your personal statement sounds really interesting! and although your gpa is not that high since you’ve moved around so much that’s quite understandable. your sats are also pretty good. i’d say cal and ucla are reaches but you still have a chance. ucsd is probably a low reach. uc davis, uc santa barbara and uc irvine are probably targets and ucsc should be a safety/low target. but since you’re quite unique it’s kinda hard to tell.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for all your replies. They really mean a lot to me. :)</p>

<p>Can others give me a picture of what they think as well? This is gonna be the last chance thread that I ever do before I face the decisions that come out in real life in a couple of months lol. Thanks again! :)</p>

<p>bumpity bump! please, anyone? I’ll chance back fsho!</p>

<p>I feel like the people answering these aren’t from California. I’m from California, and I know that you’re not even safe at UCSC with those stats. UC’s weight the GPA way more than anything else. SAT’s are barely considered. They’re more like icing on the cake. However, given that you’ve moved so much, anything could happen. If you really made your case in the essay, you’ll probably get in to UCSC, with Davis and UCSB still being reaches. UC’s aren’t known for being sympathetic toward excuses, however. They get so many applicants that they can’t take the time to analyze everybody’s situation.</p>

<p>I’m also from california but I still feel as though you’re being a bit too critical drone713. I respect your opinion but the UCs have switched to a holistic review this year (atleast UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD and UCSC). This means that they’ll be reviewing an applicants application with context to each aspect and element. I feel that this might give me an edge over other applicants because of my extracurriculars. </p>

<p>If GPAs were the most important things that mattered, everyone in the UCs would have stellar high school GPAs. However, this isn’t the case as demonstrated by the CC community and also by real students who I’ve talked to. Does anyone else feel this way?</p>

<p>Hey Cinnabon.</p>

<p>Like Drone said, I’m also from California and am currently a freshman at UC Berkeley. As you already know, your gpa isn’t quite as strong as it probably should be. However as others have said, moving around so much probably justifies it along with the fact that you mention helping others a lot in your essays. I would disagree with what Drone says about the SAT merely being “icing on the cake.” The SAT Is very important because it is “standardized,” and so is supposed to put everyone on the same grading scale despite disadvantages etc (though i suppose many have found ways around this trait of the SAT with expensive tutors and what not). Thus I’d say in juxtaposition with your grades, your SAT score is definitely good enough for any UC and adcoms will recognize that. Your SAT II’s are also strong (however I consider THOSE the icing on the cake). They could help you if you apply declared in some sort of science or undeclared letters and science (Considering you don’t legit declare a major until the END of your sophomore year). Extracurriculars are pretty good and volunteering look good and you get some bonus points for uniqueness for the whole company thang. All in all, the fact that you are in the top 8% is also admirable and UC’s will hopefully maybe recognize that even if you don’t put it in your app.
UCB: high reach
UCLA: high reach
UCSD: reach
UCI: match
UCD: match
UCSC: match
UCSB: match </p>

<p>However, Not sure if all the “match” schools above will take you. I predict at least 1 or 2 will. Don’t freak out about UCB/UCLA being considered reach schools. Cal was my reach, and I still got in.</p>

<p>Otherwise, good luck and have Happy Holidays. Hope my post was helpful.</p>

<p>thanks for your reply pianodancer, it was definitely helpful! :smiley: davis is my dream school and i applied for engineering for my 1st choice and undeclared as my 2nd choice. do you think i have a fair shot at getting in atleast undeclared for davis? thanks again and happy holidays to you too!</p>

<p>buuuumppppp! could i get more input please? :)</p>

<p>one more bump guys? thanks!</p>

<p>I’d say you have a fair chance to UCLA because you do have pretty impressive EC’s and your SAT is higher than their average so don’t be discouraged and hope for the best</p>

<p>I agree with Drone. GPA has significant influence on whether or not you get in. Your situation is quite volatile, and because everything else looks strong, I would say that UCLA and UCB are still in the running for you.</p>

<p>how about davis you guys? that’s where I really wanna go. Do you think that’ll I’ll be able to get in? I know that engineering is tough for admissions but can i atleast get in as undeclared? thanks again! i really appreciate all the feedback. :)</p>

<p>bumppp, chance me for davis please!</p>

<p>I’d be very, very surprised if you don’t get in. Congrats and good luck.</p>

<p>I think you would be a great canidate!</p>

<p>Aim higher.</p>

<p>Your GPA is your only weakness; however, since everything else is so strong, your weakness will probably be overlooked.</p>

<p>However, your rank within your peers also matters… What is your rank/percentile?</p>