Applying AP credits

<p>I am seeing several posts on here from parents of incoming freshman for 2013 saying that the school has already applied AP credits for their children. First of all, how would you know this? I can’t see anywhere on myBama to check that. Second of all, if the AP credits haven’t been applied for my S, is there any reason to make sure that happens now? I remember reading stories from Bama Bound where kids were unable to register for freshman classes because of having too many AP credits, so I don’t want to worry about that. Are there advantages to having the credits applied now?</p>

<p>If I do want the credits applied now, how do I go about doing that? Do I need to “send scores” the way you do for SAT’s?</p>

<p>Thanks for any insight! :)</p>

<p>My son did send his scores for his AP classes early so that they would show up in DegreeWorks. That made planning easier for classes. </p>

<p>I am not sure what the comments were about not taking freshman classes because of AP’s. I do know that some students with Spanish AP had issues where that department wanted students to take the higher level Spanish instead of the lower level Spanish. I believe that was because the classes were so full. </p>

<p>Even when you do apply the AP classes to your transcript, you still go in as a Freshman (or first year), but with credits for a Sophomore or even Junior standing in Degree Works. The “benefits” of the higher grade standing start to emerge second semester of the first year, when the students with more credits are able to register for classes earlier.</p>

<p>Also, you have 2 options for sending scores. You can pay to have the scores that he already has on record now. Or, if he is taking another AP test in the spring, he can put down Alabama as a school he wants the scores sent to, and they will automatically be sent (no extra cost). They will not get there until July though, so if you attend orientation (Bama Bound) before then, you will need to know your past AP scores so you can sign up for the most appropriate level of classes. </p>

<p>Hope that helped!</p>

<p>vlines: It was my kid (and at least several others that we met) who was unable to register at the first honors bama bound for a desired honors freshman class due to his ‘sophomore’ status. I heard the problem was fixed for the remaining sessions. Hopefully, that won’t happen next year, just wish we hadn’t been the practice ones. :)</p>

<p>My daughter didn’t send her AP scores until July after her senior year. She had no problem signing up for classes at Bama Bound. The rules about the limit on AP/IB/CLEP credits changed (for the better) in the current catalog, IIRC. I think there used to be a limit of 45, but this is what the catalog now says:</p>



<p>Along this subject line - any idea how\when they let you know what Dual-Enrollment courses count for? My D’s HS has DE History, Econ and Govt, by the end of this year she’ll have 12 hours just in DE.</p>

<p>UA was really good about giving credits for DE classes. Even if they are not listed in the transfer credit info on the website, they applied the DE credits to a class with equal credits and what seemed to as similar as possible. I was really impressed, actually. I was worred that my son would lose a few because they were not listed in the transfer credit classes for the CC he went to.</p>

<p>SEA_Tide knows the link where you can check Dual Credits and other college credits to see how Bama will use them.</p>

<p>found it
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My D didn’t do dual enrollment, but this is where she checked the community college courses she took to see how they’d transfer: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Lisa6191, my son (class of 2013) had his AP scores originally sent to Bama. He can already see the application of his AP credits by using DegreeWorks in MyBama.</p>