Bama Bound AP credits

<p>I have Bama Bound on the 29th this month and I just realized that they don’t have my AP scores so my AP credits aren’t up on Degreeworks. Can I still register for classes I want as if I had those credits?</p>

<p>Yes…if you feel confident with your likely scores, go ahead and sign up for the next levels. If you later learn that you didn’t get a needed score, then you can change your schedule.</p>

<p>I already know all of my scores from the last 3 years. The only score I won’t know is calc BC which I took this year. I just wanted to know if I could go ahead and register for classes even if they don’t have my previous AP scores.</p>

<p>Degreeworks is funky right now IMO. I have NO faith in it as a planner for my son. Too many things not entered, not reflecting what students themselves know, things requiring overrides, wait-and-sees, etc.</p>

<p>So, yes, the question is, can you register for something that requires a PREREQUISITE (that would be covered by AP, but the score isn’t at UA yet, so…) . Or, put another way, HOW DO kids register for classes that require a pre-req (that isn’t reflected in DW)???</p>

<p>Part of understanding any software, theory, person, etc. is knowing their limitations. While DegreeWorks has the ability to anticipate almsot every academic situation, UA has chosen to configure DegreeWorks to recognize most, but not nearly every academic situation. For example, UA’s DegreeWorks does not accurately track the requirements for students getting bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the same time (University Scholars). I actually had a conversation about this with a DegreeWorks Representative on a flight.</p>

<p>If a student has satisfied the pre-reqs for a course and such is reflected in UA’s records, the student will be able to register for the course. If UA’s records don’t note the pre-req(s) as being satisfied, an advisor or another person authorized to clear prerequisite holds can remove the hold from the student’s account and thus the student can register for the course.</p>

<p>I wonder how much time you get for choosing what AP/CLEP credits you want to use. I see that my D’s CLEP credits are listed in DegreeWorks. Most likely, she won’t use them (she will use the placement test instead). But if she does use the CLEP credits, then she won’t be allowed to use all her AP credits. I am just wondering if everything will automatically feed through and then she will get a notice or email telling her that she has too many and will have to choose 45? Or will the system enter the first 45 and then limit itself? And, like TKP above, will she be able to register for courses based on an anticipated AP score (or an actual one that DegreeWorks doesn’t know about yet because we haven’t sent her scores ahead of the scheduled delivery of all scores this July). So Tommy, we will be watching for your experience on May 30. D will be registering on June 1.</p>

<p>“Degreeworks is funky right now IMO. I have NO faith in it as a planner for my son. Too many things not entered, not reflecting what students themselves know, things requiring overrides, wait-and-sees, etc.”</p>

<p>Right, some AP scores and/or DE credits haven’t been sent to Bama yet, so DW can’t reflect those. What over-rides are you seeking?</p>

<p>“So, yes, the question is, can you register for something that requires a PREREQUISITE (that would be covered by AP, but the score isn’t at UA yet, so…) . Or, put another way, HOW DO kids register for classes that require a pre-req (that isn’t reflected in DW)???”</p>

<p>Good question. I don’t think we had that issue. I think you have to get an over-ride during registration. If so, I would pursue that right away so that’s not an issue during the actual registering time.</p>

<p>These issues are mostly one-time problems associated with AP/IB/DE credits that haven’t been sent yet. For later semesters, these things won’t be an issue.</p>

<p>From whom does the student get an override? Is this something that’s done the first or second day? Is this something that will be explained to the students during Bama Bound? It’s probably irrelevant, as the course my D needs an override for is completely full, but I guess she should get it taken care of ASAP in case something opens up over the summer.</p>

<p>My D took 5 years of Spanish between Jr High and High School. She may take the CLEP later this summer to keep her options open, but should she take the placement test at Bama Bound? Her schedule is full, and she will not have room for a language this semester but hopes to in the future</p>

<p>That is a good question, BM (ha! are you ever sorry you chose that moniker?). My D is adamant about taking Calc 3, but her AP scores won’t be available until July. All the Cacl 3 classes appear to be full now, but if they allow as many as they did last year they will open up some spots.</p>

<p>Do colleges get AP scores sooner than July??? How can you really know what to schedule?</p>

<p>Is it better to schedule BB session early to get the better choice of classes or to wait until July after AP scores are out, assuming that’s when colleges get scores. </p>

<p>My D is a rising senior took 3 AP tests this year and will take 5 or 6 next, depending on how her senior schedule works out. </p>

<p>Do you just take the higher level class if you think you did well on AP test?? Is that allowed??</p>

<p>Just thought I’d ask now since so many are currently in the Bama Bound process…</p>

<p>Yes, you just sign up for the next level if you feel that you passed. If you didn’t pass, then you’ll change your schedule after scores are posted.</p>

<p>CB electronically sends the scores to schools around the end of June. Receiving them is like receiving an email with an attachment that needs to be opened… Someone must open and then upload them into the school’s system. So, it’s not like CB wires, and then the scores automatically are in Bama’s system. So, the actual date that Bama will upload can be iffy. </p>

<p>Sometimes a school will upload the scores before the date that the scores are available to students by phone. That a nice plus!</p>

<p>@ Mom2them - We just got back from BB yesterday. Yes, you are allowed to plan your courses on the fact that you think you did well on the AP exams, son did that for a number of classes. With 7 or 8 planned AP exams I would suggest that you get an early BB session. Since I would expect that you will bypass some of the “standard” Freshman classes. For example, son is skipping Calc 1&2 and starting with Calc 3. Calc 3 is not a standard freshman class so they do not hold seats and make them avalilable for Freshman at BB. Since he was early in the process there were still a few seats available.</p>

<p>With that said seats for classes open up throughout the summer as people change their schedules and they release more seats for freshman at BB. So you are allowed to go in and modify your schedule as needed, another advantage of getting an early date. (Until you go through BB there is a hold on your schedule.</p>

<p>Hope this makes sense.</p>

<p>Thanks M2ck and memphisguy. D took Calc AB this year and is hoping to take Calc BC if school offers it or finds online alternative. There are only 3 or 4 kids who want to take it, so they have been hemming and hawing about overall school teacher needs, etc. But she excels in math so she’s thinking she got at least credit for Calc I and hoping to get enough credit for Calc II. </p>

<p>Yes, I do see the value in going early so you can get access to scheduling throughout summer. My son’s college works much the same way and he was able to get different sections of course he wanted after the first scheduling session.</p>

<p>Good to know and add to my ever growing Alabama tips file!! Thanks much!</p>