Applying for a major in application

<p>I’m sort of in a conflict. If I decide to declare my major as Biology and find out i get accepted into a UC, will I be able to switch to a different major if I change my mind. The thing is, I pretty much built my ECs, course load, etc. on biology, and I am passionate about bio so I will write about it in my essay, but I don’t necessarily know if I want to major in it. I heard that it’s not a good idea to be undeclared when applying to, is that true?</p>

<p>People have always told me that it doesn't matter what you choose as a major when applying.</p>

<p>For the most part, the only times intended major matters is for specialized programs like Engineering, dance, theater, etc. Bio or not bio later is no issue.</p>

<p>also, depending on what uc you go to, its is generally pretty easy to change your mind and switch out of bio..but id suggest going in bio and deciding later, since it is impacted in many schools and would be harder to get in once youre there..i guess im sort of conflicted on why you would do all that for bio and then not want it</p>

<p>but at a uc banquet i went to, one of the dept heads there said to us "Dont worry about it, most students change their major at least once, if not many more times. I mean, who ever heard of Geophysics or Hydrological Sciences and Policy before they came to school?" Once you get there youll find what you like and pave your way</p>