Applying for TAMU!!!!

<p>When is the VERY earliest I can apply to Texas A&M if I graduate in 2012? I heard the best time to apply is the summer going into senior year? That way I'll have my junior transcript completed and will be able to send it in for application. I'm in the top 3% of my class and am taking 5 AP courses and 1 dual course this year... I just want to apply as early as possible, I hate the anticipation, I want to get my but out to College Station!!</p>

<p>I’m sure someone will speak up if I am incorrect, but I THINK applications are accepted beginning August 1</p>

<p>(I’m currently a senior in high school applying to TAMU right now)</p>

<p>applications aren’t even available until August 1st and depending on what your major is you will want to check in because from what I understand TAMU is a rolling application school so they read your application fairly quickly so sometimes they can fill up quickly. just make sure you get it in by December 1 for scholarship purposes. </p>

<p>plus, since the application is available the last part of summer you’ll want to do as much of your application as you can. but for right now I would highly recommend that you gather (if you haven’t already) and write down all your community service hours, extra-curricular activites, and other various events you’ve participated in during your high school years (and specifically how many hours and weeks you did it). also, I don’t know what the essay topics will be for next year but if they’re the same then essay A will be to write about someone who’s made an impact on your life and why they are important to you. essay B will be about an issue that’s of importance to you and how it affects you, your family, community and generation. and then essay C will be any other personal information. I can’t guarantee those will be the topics next year but just in case they are those are the prompts they gave.</p>

<p>of course if you didn’t know already…the app website is and you can make an account but until the application opens that’s about all you can do but luckly for you since you’re high up in class ranking you shouldn’t have any problems getting in.</p>