Applying for Undergraduate AFTER doing it in my own country.

<p>Is there even a point? I mean I've had a terrible last year at my High School (not about grades, more like personal life problems). I couldn't leave my country to study in United States, however the situation got better and I would love to pick Undergraduate after finishing my Engineer degree.</p>

<p>You may ask: why Undergraduate again? Well that's simple: because of my personal problems I had to stay. I got in into one of the most prestiguous Universities in my country (Top5 according to 2013 ranking) and will graduate in 2015. I do not have that much time to study because I have to constantly help my parents and younger sister therefor my grades are actually.. just enough to complete it without studying at all. </p>

<p>What do you think? Is there any sense on taking SATs, TOEFL or should I drop my dreams and just move on?</p>