<p>Hi! Im a high school senior applying to UC Berkeley. And my dilemma is that most of my academic/achievements have been math/bio/physics oriented, and I have not taken any chemistry SAT subject tests yet. With a pretty decent high school record+EC's, will applying to the college of chemistry be a bad idea? In other words, will they have a higher chance of rejecting me?</p>
<p>Also, how important is taking the chem SATs in my situation? If this will affect my application significantly, then I can try to take one in December. Please let me know!</p>
<p>I'm not sure how the College of Chemistry works, but I applied to College of Natural Resources as a Genetics and Plant Biology major and got in, having not taken AP Bio nor the Biology SAT IIs. All I had was a background in chemistry. Have you taken chemistry courses in high school? I'd say that if you feel you need to take it in December, then take it. It's always better to be safe than sorry.</p>
<p>Yes, I've taken one chemistry course - chem honors (NOT AP!!) in my sophomore year, and I did well in it.</p>
<p>The problem for the SAT is that my SAT reasoning score feels like it could be much higher (planning to improve from 2000 to about 2200), so I am debating whether I should use my last December SAT for chemistry or for the reasoning test.</p>
<p>I am a bit relieved that you got accepted as a Bio major with no bio-centered activities in high school, but still I would like to know how I should maximize my chances =).</p>
<p>Yeah, that's a tough choice. If you think you will do really well on the chem SAT, then take that. Otherwise, I think you should stick with the SAT I and go higher on that. I took 2 years of chem (general chem and AP chem) in high school and i got 650 on the chem SAT II. I felt pretty confident about the material, but I should've done better based on how much I knew. It was a somewhat difficult test. I heard from somewhere/someone that chem is one of the harder SAT II tests. Additionally, seeing how you haven't taken AP chem before, it'd probably be pretty difficult.</p>
<p>I applied two years ago to the College of Chemistry having not taken the Chem SAT 2. I took it in September and ended up with a 690 (not good but I hadn’t taken chem for 2 years) and they let me in. </p>
<p>Heh thanks for the responses everyone! But I’ve decided to retake the SAT test instead of taking the chem test in december to allow more flexibility (in case I want to apply to a different field, or a different university altogether). It was interesting to know that the SAT chem is not THAT important, though!</p>
<p>I really can’t find info on CC to this at all-- but if i apply to the Chemistry under the College of Chemistry, does it lower my chances of admission?</p>
<p>Also, is it hard to transfer from Chemistry from L&S into CoC? What about the other way around?</p>