<p>Does it show more interest to use their app instead of the common? I know Emory really cares about demonstrated interest.</p>
<p>I have asked them repeatedly. They have stated repeatedly it does not matter to them. I believe them. Showing interest means visiting the school, etc..... The kind of application is generally not even seen by the admiss. committe.</p>
The other thing I was wondering about schools in general was what you mentioned. In what form do admiss officials see applications? How much work is done by secretaries? For instance, are secretaries the ones who add up your highest SAT sections and do that sort of stuff?</p>
<p>I can't speak about other schools, but I can tell you that the admission counselors here read every application, cover to cover. Also, each is read by 3 different counselors at a minimum. They look at every piece of paper you send them. Secretaries may file the papers, but there is a physical folder for each applicant that is reviewed.</p>
<p>this is about personal opinion, i think. one of my kids only used the school's own application, as a way of showing interest. no hard research out there on this.</p>
<p>Make sure you watch the video and visit Emory. I would say those are the two most important ways of demonstrating interest.</p>