<p>I read in a book recently that a lady deferred acceptance to law school after applying in her JUNIOR year. Is this possible?</p>
<p>I don’t think you can do it most places–the University of Michigan has a new program called Wolverine Scholars just for UM juniors, and maybe some other schools do too, but it’s probably pretty rare. Maybe the girl you heard about was planning to finish undergrad in 3 years and decided to stay on for a fourth?</p>
<p>You’re not imagining things because I’ve heard of the same thing myself. I think that there are some schools that allow admission early. Unfortunately, I am not sure of the exact schools. I will try to find out. On the other hand, I do know that Northwestern Law has an accelerated 2-year JD program, so not all schools conform to the generally accepted standards.</p>
<p>Well I’m glad I’m not crazy.</p>
<p>… but any extra information would be great.</p>
<p>Anyone else know anything on this matter?</p>
<p>was the person in question admitted to a 3+3 combination ba/jd program where she would have applied as a junior?</p>
<p>Penn- The Joint B.A./J.D. Program in Arts and Sciences and Law
This rigorous program offers an opportunity for highly qualified and motivated College students to apply to Penn Law School during what is generally the first semester of a student’s junior year (between 16 and 23.99 c.u.). If accepted, the student will submatriculate into the J.D. program in their senior year. It is designed for students who, with careful planning, want to combine their broad experience of undergraduate study in the College with the professional focus of law school. Applicants must be committed to the study of law in its theoretical and practical aspects. </p>
<p>[Submatriculation:</a> B.A./J.D.](<a href=“http://www.college.upenn.edu/degree/submatric/bajd.php]Submatriculation:”>http://www.college.upenn.edu/degree/submatric/bajd.php)</p>
<p>Some students come in to college with advanced standing/AP credits and are able to graduate at the end of junior year. So the apply as juniors, forgo their senior year at college and start law school in what would have been their senior year. </p>
<p>Poster Hoyamom’s D graduated in 3 years(from georgetown) and then went on to law school</p>
<p>thread for 6 year ba/jd programs</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/law-school/551116-list-6-year-ba-jd-programs.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/law-school/551116-list-6-year-ba-jd-programs.html</a></p>
<p>[GW:</a> Something Happens Here](<a href=“http://gwired.gwu.edu/adm/classroom/accelerated/bajdprogram/]GW:”>http://gwired.gwu.edu/adm/classroom/accelerated/bajdprogram/)
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/law-school/296061-3-years-college.html#post3598367[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/law-school/296061-3-years-college.html#post3598367</a></p>
<p>I think the Penn program is open to Penn students only.</p>
<p>Most of the programs I listed in the attached threads are restricted to students who attend those schools.</p>
<p>The Penn program is indeed open only to students at the College (college of arts and sciences) at Penn. It is a submatriculation program.</p>