Applying to Oxford, London School of Economics

@collegemom3717 - thanks for all the details! Very helpful

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Languages are good for history as well.

My daughter has decided to self-study either AP European History or AP World History. Does anyone know if Oxford, UCL etc would have a preference for one over the other?

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Euro. - World is more of a ‘survey’ course.

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Have a look at both a standard UK A Level history syllabus and see which of Euro or World covers the same stuff. That is the level the tutors will assume everyone is at in first year.


Shows its pretty Euro focused…

But tbf with history they don’t expect everyone will have done the same syllabus.

Ok - thanks, all.

That’s surprising they don’t let you apply to Oxford and Cambridge.

You can if you are an organ scholar :upside_down_face: scarcity is on their side!

But otherwise, the admission process is too time and effort intensive- it’s the faculty who do the shortlists, interviewing and selecting. If you could apply to both the yield rate would make the investment in the selection process unsustainable. The unis argue that it also pushes students to do more of their own homework as to which course is a better fit for them. For example, I know a fair few students who applied to Cambridge specifically b/c the Nat Sci course gives them options that the closest Oxford analogs do not.

As well, the UK limits applicants to just 5 courses (for example, you could apply to English at 5 different universities, or English and English + Linguistics at one uni, English and English Lit + History at another uni, just English at a third uni).

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