<p>hey longgreyline- do you know what uniform soldiers should report in to r-day? class a? class b?</p>
<p>the videos off of usma.edu showed PS showing up in civvies. I think it's best not to stand out.</p>
<p>it would be funny if i showed up with a maroon beret, jump wings, air assault wings and pants bloused into corocan jump boots. talk about standing out. other plebes would probably call you sir.</p>
<p>From what I saw of R day, someone would be laughing, but it won't be the new cadet.</p>
<p>I highly, highly recommend that you blend in with the median of the group. You will get your time to stand out and shine, but the initial phase demands parallelism with the world's beautiful green grass:-). Take it easy.</p>
<p>momoftwins -</p>
<p>I am not aware of the scheme regarding 5 years to 4 years. I have never heard of it, but I will find out about it and inform you. Good luck.</p>
<p>hippies protesting v.a's no they protest unnecessary military activity lolz republicans make me laugh</p>
<p>Momo, I think you've heard about the IRR (inactive ready reserve)commitment. the IRR is basically a loop hole the army uses that enables them to call up people that have been discharged. It rarely happens though. </p>
<p>Whenever you get commissioned or enlist into the military it's an eight year contract. In the case of WP, it's 5 years active and 3 years IRR. If you've spent any time in the delayed entry program, NG, AR, or AA, this time will count toward the eight years. You also have the option of serving in the active reserves instead of IRR.</p>