
<p>Hello. I received my appointment on November 24. I am currently a senior and in the Army National Guard as a medic as well. </p>

<p>If anyone has any particular questions regarding the phases of the application process, I would be more than happy to provide guidance. </p>

<p>I just signed up here as well. Good luck everyone.</p>


<p>Congratulations! Welcome to CC and thanks for offering to help the other applicants.</p>

<p>when did you complete BCT and AIT? what company at 232?</p>

<p>I joined June 2005; I am a senior right now. I signed a 6 year contract through Army National Guard and was scheduled for BCT June 16, 2006; AIT immediately following. Since West Point appointed me, my contract with the National Guard will be overwritten. I, however, will continue to receive pay as Private First Class by doing one weekend a month with the guard's active duty as well as other soldiers. I am to do one weekend a month until June 2006. This is what a soldier does once he signs the contract, the whole one weekend a month routine, until BCT and AIT. You workout and train with the soldiers who have done BCT and AIT. after AIT, you would continue to do one weekend a month with your specialty unless you switch to active duty in the guard.</p>

<p>So what you're saying is you haven't even gone thru BCT? you haven't gone through AIT? so you're not actually a soldier? and you're not actually a medic? I am a soldier and I am a medic. I am very proud of my profession and don't feel that it would be proper to allow people who haven't gone through certain rites of passage to claim it as their own. I commend you for taking a big leap with signing paperwork and attending drill... just don't get too ahead of yourself</p>


<p>Is it true that the 1 year of National Guard service will reduce your commitment after graduation from West Point by 1 year?</p>

<p>mrgreen, you need to calm and respond properly. If you noticed, it says I am doing drill, and it also says that I am under a 6 year contract and 2 year indirect contract. It also says that I get paid as a private first class. These specifications enable me to wear my Army BDU as well as Army greens in environments in which I must be part of. I'm part of the group. It is inappropriate to single out a soldier and say he does not deserve his bars. Before you take an approach, please fully understand what you're trying to elaborate on. </p>

<p>It was not my call, but General Lennox's, who is the superintendent at West Point, to have me go straight to West Point's own basic and start the school. I was steering towards the typical route, and that was all that was meant to be. Furthermore, this happens to people every year. West Point has 50 slots reserved for national guard and 100 for active duty / reserves. They pull soldiers out right away and allow them to continue their missions through the academy.</p>

<p>In another portion of the forum, I've listed my background as to what it took to get in. If you kind of glide through it, you'll notice that I spent the last four years doing all that I could to blend in with fellow soldiers and led. I will copy paste my background here from another one so that you can see what I've done if you don't get around to that forum:</p>


-Verbal - 760
-Math - 800
-Writing - 800
-Composite - 2360</p>

B-ball toss - 92-96ft
Pull ups - 16
Shuttle run - 8 something
Sit ups - 84
Push ups - 67
Mile run - 7:30</p>


<p>• CAP [Civil Air Patrol Auxiliary of United States Air Force]
• Plano Habitat for Humanity – Vice President
• Venture Crew
• Project Operation Harmony – In regard to accumulating instruments handed in voluntarily to be shipped to Iraq. The goal was to give rise to the dispersion of music abilities and talents within the less developed country. </p>


<p>9th Grade </p>

<li>Pre-IB English 1</li>
<li>Pre-IB World Geography</li>
<li>Pre-IB Biology I </li>
<li>Pre-IB Geometry</li>
<li>Pre-IB French I</li>
<li>German I</li>
<li>Health/Communication Applications</li>
<li>JROTC I</li>

<p>10th Grade</p>

<li>Pre-IB English 2</li>
<li>AP World History </li>
<li>Pre-IB Chemistry 1</li>
<li>Pre-IB Algebra 2</li>
<li>Pre-IB French 2</li>
<li>Pre-AP German 2</li>
<li>Honors Research & Design </li>
<li>JROTC 2</li>

<p>11th Grade </p>

<li>IB English 3</li>
<li>Pre - IB Pre - Calculus</li>
<li>IB US History</li>
<li>Pre – IB Physics 1</li>
<li>Pre – IB French 3</li>
<li>IB Computer Science</li>
<li>IB Economics 1</li>
<li>JROTC 3</li>

<p>12th Grade</p>

<li>IB English 4</li>
<li>IB Calculus </li>
<li>IB French 4 </li>
<li>IB Theory of Knowledge</li>
<li>IB World Area Studies</li>
<li>JROTC 4</li>

<p>Decorations / Activities</p>

<p>Air Force Leadership Academy at San Antonio at Camp Mabry 2004 - Honor Graduate 1st in class
Army JROTC Officer Candidate School - Honor Graduate 1st in class
NCO Leadership School
LET 1 [1st year] - Guide on of my company
LET 2 [2nd year] - Operations Sergeant Major - ran NCO's of two high schools
LET 3 [3rd year] - Platoon Leader
LET 4 [4th year] - Battalion Commander of 3 high schools
Best Cadet of the Month award Army JROTC
The National Society of High School Scholars
Physical Training competition all males of JROTC programs in TX = 1st place in push - ups
1st Sergeant of Civil Air Patrol auxiliary of Air Force unit
Received a medal from The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for leadership, soldierly bearing, and excellence.
Earned the Superior Cadet decoration award for setting the pace for the outstanding 2004-2005 year in Army JROTC.
Attended the Regional VIII Youth Leadership Forum
the National Honor Roll Society
Southwest Youth Leadership Conference at Texas A & M University July 05
Train ex-Navy Seal in Physical Training
Led group of enlisted soldiers through physical training to prepare them for Boot Camp
Principal's Award
Who's Who Among American High School Students</p>

<p>Enlisted in Army National Guard June 2005. Joined as Medic. Currently get paid as a private first class. Currently a soldier. Currently a senior as well.</p>

<p>Received appointment to West Point November 24, 2005.</p>

<p>You feel that I may not have gone through the loops to put on the badge; I indeed do not have the badge on to say I've done it. However, this is where I am heading at the moment as is. Through West Point, considering I will not break a bone or anything until June, I will continue on Medic route. I could not go to basic this past summer because they could not fit in 9 weeks into my summer and get me back soon enough to attend high school. It was too little time. Through West Point, I will do infantry and stay for 30 years. I really am for this. Let's understand one another's background and vision before we comment. Good luck with your mission.</p>

<p>I do have a military ID, and it's the real one. </p>

<p>The IB classes have nothing to do with Army National Guard. It's my background.</p>

<p>I am given uniform [BDU only for this circumstance] because I am my recruiter's assistant. I am able to receive $2000 for every person I help bring in, 1000 after they sign contract and the other 1000 after they finish BCT. This program is only offered through the National Guard; it just started for the first time in the guard's history. </p>

<p>You get paid as E-3 because you're on waitlist for June 06. It's called "drill reservist." My pay is $210 a month for one weekend a month. I have a $400,000 life insurance; they cut through the pay. </p>

<p>"Army greens in environments..." makes reference to Army JROTC that I've been doing last 4 years. </p>

<p>Like I said, I am trying to say that this is my status. This is what I was, this is what I did, and this is where I am going.</p>

<p>i still dont understand how you get paid as an e-3 and how you have a white military id. do you wear the partol cap or the beret with your bdu'S?</p>

<p>I have a military ID because I am a soldier. </p>

<p>I get paid because I signed a contract. Until BCT, I am under "drill reservist." Drill reservists arrive on a predetermined weekend and serve Saturday and Sunday from 7 AM to 4 PM. This involves PT, classroom learning, and whatever else needs to be done. You do not seem familiar with the Guard.</p>

<p>The worn cap is basically the BDU cap with holes through it at the top. It's the summer version to eliminate overheating.</p>

<p>still dont understand how you are an e-3</p>

<p>The military says in high school, if you have done at least 3 years of JROTC, you will come in as an E3. As proof, you must present a certified copy of your certificate that says that you've done at least up to LET 3, LET making reference to years. I am currently LET 4. When I enlisted, I had my Army JROTC commander do a formal write up to cover my background and personally provided the certificate to highlight my history. It's all been copied and archived to my background files for the Army. I finished LET 3 in May 2005 and enlisted June 2005.</p>

<p>Someday you will understand. But anyways... glad to have anyone with a little dedication show up on r-day. good luck</p>

<p>I think that it just got thrown out of proportion just because I said I was under 91W as medic. I am in it. We need to be more calm and just understand and question, not curse and challenge in a way that undermine's the owner's dedication and throws away all his hardwork by making it look like he did nothing to get where he got. I fully understand your point in saying you're a medic. You are. I didn't go through the loops. I might never, but this is as I stand, and I am proud of being part of what I am. Good luck with all that you do in your journey. People like you deserve the greatest comfort.</p>

<p>yeah- its all good. same team you know. esp. when you see hippies protesting vetran's hospitals and stuff...</p>

<p>every saturday people stand out in the rain on exit 122 overpass waving flags and cheering us on. theyre my heros</p>


<p>They do it because you're their heroes. And from what I hear from the plebes, the cadets who have prior service receive the highest level of respect from their peers.</p>

<p>Stay safe.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when we will hear of our nominations? What date exactly is it in January?</p>

<p>I beleive all nominations have to be turned into their respective academies no later than January 31st so i think that will be the LATEST you will hear. Most people are hearing from their MOCs (got mine for AFA last week) but some are still waiting.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>