April 6 - classes dismissed?!

<p>I saw on a UA calendar for spring 2012 that Friday, April 6th is Honor’s Day - Classes dismissed. Classes dismissed as in, no classes at all that day?? Three day spring weekend!</p>

<p>Coincides with Good Friday, too. Very convenient for a nice Easter weekend.</p>

<p>Yes…no classes on that day. It’s honors day. Glad that it’s back on Good Friday…it wasn’t last year, but was for previous years.</p>

<p>How’s this for convenient? My son, nose ever to the grindstone (yeah, right), had no Friday classes last semester, no Friday classes this semester, and has no Friday classes next fall. </p>

<p>Is it petty of me to begrudge him this lifestyle? :)</p>

<p>Malanai, you should be congratulating him on his scheduling prowess.</p>

<p>Thanks! Very glad to hear they’ll have the day off!</p>



<p>I did . . . begrudgingly. ;)</p>

<p>my kid, on the other hand, has classes til 6 EVERY friday!</p>

<p>she could stand to learn a thing or two from your son, malanai!</p>

<p>^^ But on April 6 your daughter can gloat. Malanai’s son won’t get any benefit from a day off, and your daughter will be benefitting until 6:00.</p>

<p>haha … good point! : ) but malanai’s son can gloat every other friday.</p>

<p>Oh, is Honor’s Day NOT tied to Easter? I honestly thought it was.</p>


<p>I thought it was, too. But, last year it wasn’t on Good Friday. Don’t know why.</p>

<p>malanai: My son has not had a Friday class in … forever. He even tells me that he does not do Friday classes. Just wait until they have jobs. In most cases, you work on Fridays.</p>

<p>What happens on Honor’s Day?</p>

<p>Now I feel bad again that S isn’t coming to Italy with the whole family. He can’t miss 3 days the following week, but I didn’t realize he had Fri off, that would have made it slightly easier. No easy way to get from BHM to Italy. Oh well, next time.</p>

<p>linnylu: On Honors Day, students are recognized for their academic and leadership achievements throughout the school year (I say this, and my son has missed the past two, because of prior commitments). Various honor societies also have scheduled their inductions.</p>

<p>Idinct…if you’ll adopt me, I’ll be very happy to take S’s place in Italy. :)</p>

<p>So jealous! Where will you be visiting?</p>

<p>(ha…I’m probably older than you…can you adopt a grandma?)</p>

<p>We were invited to Dr. Helm’s house for a dinner Thursday night for honor’s week. The letter said they are giving the awards at the dinner which is evidently different from years past. Anyone had experience with honors week? DS is getting a College of Business Finance honor. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Add me to the group of people who don’t take Friday classes, except for one this semester as it is only ever offered MWF. Of course, not having class on Friday means that I work most of Friday.</p>

<p>Honors Day is the day that certain honor societies induct new members and individual departments host their own ceremonies. As bamafana mentioned, the Department of Economics, Finance, and Legal Studies does something different in that instead of holding a ceremony on campus, it hosts an event at the department chair’s house the night before. For those invited, I highly recommend attending Honors Day events.</p>

<p>I’m jealous (well, after the fact). Science and engineering were in general always MWF. A TR STEM class was rare. I never once had a semester going to the way through grad school with no class on Fridays.</p>